Go wings on backwards,Mustang wheels on Mopars,68-69 Dart tail stripes on backwards,69 tail stipes on 68 cars,highback bucket seats in 69 and earlier cars,fan blades on backwards,high impact paint on 69 and earlier cars,73 Road Runner hood on a 71 Road Runner,raisin brand hoods on 68 Coronets,pistol grips in A bodies...[/QUOTE]
I agrre with MOST of what you say above but I don't conside them dumb. I don't care for Hipo colors on pre-70 cars, or stripes that didn't come on a particular model year from the factory as they just LOOK wrong to me. As far as switching hoods around I don't view it much differently than adding a somewhat period correct hood scoop to a car that never had it std. or opt. However the late model big high areo type hood scoops just look WAY out of place on these old cars.
The thing that I REALLY disagree with you on is the pistol grip. It looks correct enough from 66-up or even OK for 65-62 cars and IS the absolute best feeling, most in control of your shifter handle ever made. It looks at home in an A body even though Ma Mopar never put it there.
I am sure you think it looks dumb in my car pictured here, but you are entitled to your own opinion. BTW, I have one in my 69 six pack Bee as well.