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Family Tradition

How did you get the undercarriage of the seat down to bare metal?
Wire wheel on a 4 1/2 grinder, wire brush on the end of my Die grinder, folded up 220 grit and my hand and a 3M metal scuff pad. Real fun stuff...lol
Yikes !! I've got some that I have to do the same to.. more elbow grease needed ..LOL
I was hoping your were going to say some chemical you brushed on then wiped off and it was a piece of cake......hahahaha
Yikes !! I've got some that I have to do the same to.. more elbow grease needed ..LOL
I was hoping your were going to say some chemical you brushed on then wiped off and it was a piece of cake......hahahaha

LOL! A chemical you brush on and wipe off....Bawwahahahahaha! You're hilarious man. You know as well as I, it's never that easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it. Like you said....good old fashioned elbow grease.
Sorry about what you went through with the glass man. Its a good thing thing the runner isn't a metallic color. Were you able to spot paint and repair the areas? With mine being a metallic color, I'm thinking about possibly painting the roof, then installing the vinyl and glass before shooting the rest. Since the trim covers all the blend areas. Any thoughts out there?
Thanks TBone. You're right, good thing it isn't a metallic. On the deep scratch, I touched up with tough up paint, wet sanded down then machined buffed. Pretty much gone unless you know where it is and look hard. Hairlines came out without wet sanding but still required machine buffing.

I don't see no issue's with your idea TBone. Paint under that vinyl just adds another layer of protection from the moisture. You will obviously have a paint line at the edge of the vinyl, but like you said, it will be covered by the trim in the end
Bennie Boy!!!

LOL...He's lucky he didn't end up in a shallow grave on the back 40 Ben. It's amazing how some folks can simply manage to survive through life. Thanks for the compliment's, hope all is well and it's good to hear from ya.

:VB toast:

Glad to see you're around, Ben...

I had a blast @ Simon Sez last time we where there...

could you PM me the dates for this year???

the olde GTX'er is ready for a trip out by you's guys.... :icon_pidu:

Thanks for lettin' me hijack your thread for a sec, Will....
My house is your house Padre! :icon_thumright:

Ready to roll myself....Summer's on it's way..well, maybe after the snow we're supposed to get tomorrow night into Saturday.

My house is your house Padre! :icon_thumright:

Ready to roll myself....Summer's on it's way..well, maybe after the snow we're supposed to get tomorrow night into Saturday.

thanks, Will!!! hope to make it up Norf this year!!

Awww jeez...snow???

we got a frost warning for tonite and i dusted off my Carhartt!!! lol

well, at least this winter isn't nearly like last one... :headbang:


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Finally got a little bit of time to peg away on the bird. Little bit of a product review. Stuff is called RattleTrap and it's a sound deadener. Same stuff as dynamat but costs less. Actually has better decibal reduction. So far...good stuff! Lays in and cuts pretty easy, use the provided roller to flatten out. Also installed the new AMD quarter glass, the divider and insulation.

Applied it on the floors, inside the doors and inside behing the quarter windows.




Also started the wiring from the trunk forward for the Stero AMP. 4ga wire that runs through the firwall to battery, 4ga. wire for ground, and pre amp outs. Picked up a set of 4" coaxial 160W Kenwoods I plan to intergrate into the kick panels.


More work to be done tomorrow!
Looks great man, looks like it came fit to put in, Triple x, that will give you a quieter ride ill wager! I put some cheap stuff down on my floors and behind back seat, problem is i have no idea how much it worked never having drove the car before i finished it.. Looks great though and it yet one more step to that first ride, i can imagine how you feel, but at the same time enjoying doing all this... continued good luck bud!
Hanigin' with da Plymouth

Superb work work as always, Will!!

Rattletrap, eh? looks like an interesting product...did you have to heat 'er up to get it around the uneven spots?

I would have just bought cuz it says ***!!! :tongue11:
Superb work work as always, Will!!

Rattletrap, eh? looks like an interesting product...did you have to heat 'er up to get it around the uneven spots?

I would have just bought cuz it says ***!!! :tongue11:

LOL, Thanks Mar, I knew looking at the picture the X X X would bring ya out of the lurking mode! woo woo!
:notworthy: :notworthy:
that's what SHE said...lol

Those seats look GREAT!!! just missing butt prints! :3gears:

No Doubt Mario. I keep thinking, "i'm getting close now!", then I think of 20 more things to do..lol

How much rattletrap did you have to buy? 25-50sqft

I bought 100 SQ FT. Not seen in the pic's, but I also did the inside of the roof before the headliner went in. I would say I have about a quarter of it left.

Beautiful work prop, "meticulous" is becoming a theme here.

I love it.

Thanks a lot Dave. Appreciate it.

More work Done Yesterday....

Used the full SEM to Dye some interior parts...A Pillar moldings, bucket seat hinge covers, arm rests, kick panels, and sunvisors either got switched to black or the black refreshened. I've used this stuff plenty of times before and it works great. It's all about the prep. The SEM is not actually a dye, but a flexible paint. So, if the parts are dirty before spraying, don't expect the stuff to hold up too long.




Also took my seat belts and dropped them in a 5 gallon pal of water with dawn dishsoap and PPG wax/grease remover for several hours. They came out pretty clean, but still scubbed a bit. Still need to dye them.


More little odds and ends stuff..took the interior roof rail trim down to bare metal using my media blaster. Lot of surface rust on the inside tough to get at. Used UPOL #5 High build to level out some small dings/scratches, leveled with 600 grit and sprayed with a pre mix can of 9300 black

Auto Transport Service