Glad to see Producer man back on
The last episode about the coronet Mark said something to the effect he wasn't much of a fan of the B-bodies or I think he said Royals show box? lol something like that made me think all we are going to see are E body's from now on? That would be a detrimental move to the show. Lmao Yes I know mark had a 70 charger and he loves the b's just sayin it came across as wrong.
He just has a problem with Royal's "poop box" car. Mark hates the color of it. I personally think it's rather nice. Very executive looking - it would please me
He also rips on custom engine builds lol personally I would expect nothing less than a modded engine in today's mopars just because of the gas and temps and crap. and it's so easy to do and get another 100 hp with. much more so than it was a bunch of years back. I can understand just like any mechanic who is brought someone else's work and asked to get it working, the first thing you do as a human is bash the **** out of the previous work done so when you have to fix it all you look like the hero I get it makes for good TV lol But If Mark was to invite the guys from MRE or NRE or Hughes or Indy or PST or Mr Edelbrock himself to the show I think he would be in a higher ranking among us enthusiasts ( hint hint ) yes you can use my ideas for the show feel free
I hear what you are saying and all I can say is from experience, Mark doesn't have a problem with custom builds if they don't have issues. If they show up, everything is pre-made to make it work, then he doesn't have a problem with it (for the most part). The thing is, he's a OE guy - that's where his skill set is - if something goes wrong he knows how to fix it. With mods, if it goes wrong, he has to determine if its the mod or something else - it's a hassle he's not charging the customer for and in the end, if something goes wrong, who's the customer going to blame?
An example is video-games. There is a reason mods are not "officially" supported by game developers/distributors. Yes, they can make the game 100x better - but if they crash the videogame, the end user isn't going to blame the mod developer, he isn't going to blame himself for downloading the mod, he's going to email the support team who created the video game.
With that respect, Mark feels that if you want the mods on the car - do it after it leaves his shop. It's just not his specialty.
I have mentioned this before on facebook, but GYC could get more cred's in my opinion if they did shows with a much broader range of cars I mean, for myself I would love to see a 65 A990 or something like that. Or a full sized Fury later model or a kick *** 340 Duster or Demon hell a Belvedere or a New Yorker. Hell even a Jeep or a truck say 40' to 65' I would flip to see a 40-41 PT truck get restored man that would be cool! Point is not every car has to be some special edition with crazy stupid history or features. A stock 340 Demon plain jane with hubcaps and steelies would be just fine if the build is shown with normal style documentary formats. Trying to shove several cars into one episode looks like a spuractic haywire mess of nonsense going on. Thus we get what we have here now a bunch of people who are not happy with the shows format.
Here is the thing - I totally agree with you. Seeing work done on several cars an episode can be difficult. I'd love it so much to be able to focus on one car per-episode. Unfortunately, we're an independent production company that pre-sells the show to networks at a fraction of what it normally costs to produce say a television show like B!tchin Rides. This restricts us on how long we can film for. One thing you will see this season is we have "Special" episodes that will air that do cover the entire restoration of key cars. For example, Episode 21 which airs 12/9 covers the entire restoration of the Hemi Orange 340 Cuda from beginning to it's reveal. The same thing happens for our 440 Six Pack Challenger, and our 70 Hemi Charger.
But in the ideal world, we'd shoot for an entire year before we even begin editing episodes, and we'd make each episode about that particular car's build. But for GYC, we've got to shoot, edit, and deliver the Season in six months and there is no way to fully restore one care let alone four cars in that amount of time.
But it doesn't mean we couldn't be better at it. One of the things I'm implementing in the new season we about to shoot is vignettes that introduce the car we're working on. It's a 30 second to 1 minute blurb about the car, where it came from, and why it's here. Additionally, while they are working on whatever they are working on, we're going to have specific "Learning Opportunities" with the goal of connecting their task with Mopar history.
For god sake Mark slow down! we can handle one car at a time man it's ok! start it from the beginning how did it end up at your shop? who are the owners? what is the story and history of the car? what does the owner want you to do with the car? step by step restoration one car per episode is ok we won't' hate on you for only showing one car. this is what everyone is trying to say, spend more time on a car showing us everything, yes they will dispute some of your claims yes they will dispute some of your accuracy but who cares? It's ok to be wrong, just correct it up on the next episode with some humility and it's all good!
Mark does admit that he's wrong, it will just take a season to see him to admit it. For example, it Season 4A that aired in 2014, he unwittingly bashed the person who restored the rare Hemi Coronet. This currently season, when speaking about the restoration - he points out what's wrong but reminds the audience that for what was avaliable back then, the guy who restored it did a great job.
There have been many moments like this where Mark will correct himself - you just have to be an avid watcher.
How many super birds or Daytona's or cudas' or R/T chally's is too many before we get board? Um yeah all of them now I am board please do something off the shelf please! there are thousands of kick *** mopars out there open that big *** shop of yours up and show us you are not a narrow minded e & b body only show. Yes it matters dam it! lol
I can confirm that there are ZERO Superbirds and Daytona's being restored in the season currently airing. As far as the Cuda's and R/T Challengers - I think the draw to these cars is you are seeing different aspects to their restorations. For example, for our Sunroof Challenger (which returns with a nasty surprise in the Nov. 25th episode *wink *wink), we focused primarily on the Sunroof build aspect. This season, we focus on the 440 Engine and the Paint Markings, and in a later episode, we compare it with a 2014 Challenger (one of my favorite episodes by the way).
I can confirm that Season 5 you'll be introduced to a lot of GTX in the early episodes. But ultimately, as Tony said, we restore the cars that the customers send us.
In today's world where the Pro touring super mopar isn't going away anytime soon despite how much the purist scream and yell every major show out there is doing one or more of them, it's sad really all the 'other car shows" that make an attempt to customize a mopar get all the praise and glory while a purist type show like GYC gets nothing but heckels from our own mopar crowd? Instead of poo pooing the show we should be helping support it and sending in ideas to help improve it instead of bashing and complaining like freaking animals, moparians are supposed to be superior to the chevy and ford boys wtf is wrong with you guys? Help support or stfu up imho!
Thanks man, I couldn't agree. I've seen some horrific things done to create the appearance of a Mopar back on the road in other shows Ill not name - and even I (who really isn't the big of a car nut) can't help but shake my head.
We can't please everyone, but we try really hard. We are after all, the only Mopar only car show out there. We want Mopar fans to enjoy it as that's who we're making it for.
I personaly want to see GYC succeed and continue on for a long time, but changes must take place as I mentioned above, or I can see it falling off.
Have you watched Season 1? If we can get away with that, we can do anything and be just fine.