-Changed the plugs, then pulled one after idling and revving in the garage for awhile (very black) Kinda looks like satin spray paint but wipes off clean with my finger. Autolite 3924
-Replaced poly isolators from between the motor plate brackets and frame with aluminum shims of the same thickness. Helped some but not much.
-Made sure no part of motor or exhaust was rubbing frame.
-Compression test show 120psi (Kenny at INDY says should be 100-150 with that cam)
-Header temps taken with a thermal gun warmed up at idle. Ceramic coated headers so not sure how accurate the readings are, it does not like shiny surfaces.
8 252 7 257
6 235 5 230
4 358 3 345
2 198 1 218
-Vibration start around 2,000 and gets worse by 3,000 then gets better by 4,000 but not completely gone.
-Starts great, fires right up without touching peddle, Idles 1350 neutral, 1250 in gear.
-Cruises 60mph @ 2350 with gear vendors engaged. So basically right where the vibration is..
- Feels like it has hard time making it over 6,000ish rpm, Tried like 4 times to make a pull. The 1 time it had a clean pass it pulled like freight train. Kinda like a light switch off then on. I know and have felt that it can make power but it's slow to come in if that makes any sense?
Basically my old 440 would have destroyed tis thing!!
- Maybe convertor is too tight.
I think at this point I'm going to forfeit my Dragweek spot, not sure I can fix this at all, let alone in 4 days..
Very Disappointed