Again, from Brewer's website:
View attachment 400084
"Torque shaft bearing retainer wire, small ends protrude through torque shaft tube holes on frame end (into the groove of bearing 1/2), then snaps over tube, holding torque shaft location on frame side."
So the little fingers are supposed to locate in the actual groove of the bearing....
wonder why my z-bar only has one hole?
Wonder if I have the correct z-bar at all?
EDIT: I'll answer my own question here.
Again, referring to the Brewer's website, my torque shaft (z-bar) is supposed to be 9" long.
Check, mine is.
Also according to their website, the arm for the linkage going to the clutch fork is supposed to be welded 1 1/4" from the end of the tube.
Nope. Mine is 3/4" from the end. :-(
I have the wrong z-bar. Of course. New one is $90!! Son of a....
Ok, so what z-bar DO I have?
The next one up on their web page indicates a z-bar that fits big block 1970-1971 E-body/1971-4 B-body applications with 10.5" bellhousing and the bar for the clutch fork is welded, you guessed it, 3/4" from the end of the tubing.
Great. Just great. Reckon that's this one....sort of.
How the heck was the arm for the clutch fork rod lining up so nice with my clutch fork then? I checked some more....conclusion:
This one has obviously been modified! The bar passing down to connect with the clutch rod has a little bit more offset on it than the "correct" one; that's how they did it.
Someone has "made" a z-bar for my car out of a "wrong" one.
Let me explain how I arrived at that:
When you look at the pic for the
correct z-bar for my car ('68 b-body, 11" bellhousing), the end of the bar going down that the clutch rod attaches to
is supposed to be pretty much even with the end of the z-bar tube itself.
(The one for the 1970-1971 E-body/1971-4 B-body shows the clutch rod side arm offsetting beyond the end of the tube considerably, by comparison).
This "homemade" z-bar is set up just like that!
Obviously, whoever modified this one knew what they were doing whilst butchering the wrong part.
Net result is that the clutch rod side of things lines up nicely with the clutch rod going into the fork.
Since both z-bars are the same exact length (9"), either will fit the same between the frame and the bellhousing ball studs as well, so that's a wash.
It's not the right z-bar - but it ain't the "wrong" one, either.
It'll work.