1 Wild R/T
Well-Known Member
Threewood, first of all I have a FiTech; the Sniper might be a more reliable product given Holley's decades of OEM experience in the automotive industry. I'm leaving out all the dozens of minor issues, highlighting just the main ones:
- After less than 3 years the electric fuel pump in the Fuel Command Center died. That's the incident Kern so eloquently referred to in #13.
- Ditched the FCC, went with an intank setup from Tanks Inc.
- About a year later, the engine died while driving down the road. I was able to restart, turned around to go home. Died about 1/2 mile away. Restarted, made it home, died again pulling into the garage, wouldn't start again. Returned the TB to FiTech and they sent me a Gen II unit ( 4 + 2 harness vs. the original 6 pin harness)
- The TB has a heat soak issue. It starts when cold and now runs fine but won't start once it hits operating temp and the engine is turned off for over 10 minutes. The IAC steps are in spec, the prime multi setting has been increased, decreased, left the same. Warm start setting has been enriched. I have to take off the air cleaner, spray Starter Fluid down the venturis to finally get it to start.
- This last spring the handheld controller died. I swapped my neighbor's handheld and it worked so its definitely the handheld. FiTech doesn't sell the current version anymore, have to fork out another $200 for the newest version. So over the course of five years, all three major components of the system have had to be replaced.
My somewhat flippant remark wasn't directed at you Threewood, instead it was aimed at the potential reader who is considering switching from a carb to EFI. The marketing narrative that switching to EFI is only $995 and a Sunday afternoon installation is false. You already updated the fuel delivery system which is the hardest part of the conversion. I get that lots of people have installed EFI with little to no issues, and I sincerely have nothing but best wishes for your install.
Have you checked voltage at the red wire while cranking? If the voltage drops below about 10.5 v the ECM shuts down... Hitting it with starting fluid means it doesn't need fuel till the alternator provides enough voltage to wake up the ECM.... A weak battery (single bad cell) will cause this even though the starter still cranks ok...
Another possibility is a leaking injector which would cause a flooding concern..... Try cranking with the throttle wide open to clear the excess fuel, same as a carb....
Third possibility is insufficient fuel, try cycling the key, allow the FiTech to go completely through it's cycle, then shut the key off & back on, again let the unit complete it's cycle... After a hot soak the ECT will likely be reading 250+ degrees so the fuel pulse will be really short, quite possibly to short...