Sorry to hear about the misfortune, Good luck & stay dry, I hope the water doesn't raise too much more or screw anything up... Flood &/or Weather Related insurances there in Florida must be freaken ridiculously high... I use to live in a flood prone area by the unregulated portions of the Consumnes River, in Sloughhouse/Rancho Murieta in the Eastern Rural Sacramento Valley, in Calif., my place was on a hill on high ground about 50-75 ft. above highest water level ever, so I never got water in anything but had it in our neighborhood in the lower areas, several times, makes a freaken mess & costs a ton to fix all the little **** it ruins, electricity out for ever it seems & transformers having to be replaced, sewer problems gross stuff & drinking water problems too, propane tanks floating down the street, cars & houses messed up, stores closed, gas stations ruined, roads closed & having to travel 50 miles out of your way to get to work, get fuel or go shopping etc., I loved being right next to the river, but the nearly, almost yearly flooding hassles weren't worth it in the long run... NO MORE FLOOD PRONE AREAS FOR ME... If my place I own now floods, California's coast line is under 2500+ ft. of water & everyone is in really deep ****...