Define "a lot more"... which is like saying: "how high is up"...a dimensionless statment at best. Does he know more than I do? HIGHLY I'm a member of SAE and have performed many dyno runs on Mopar as well a several different GM engines. PERHAPS, you can share your your knowledge of what this fellow's qualifications are ... and why the defensive attitude? Is he a friend or ?
I told you to google him, and look him up on youtube. It's really simple to do that. Uncle Tony's garage. Look at some of his videos, and tell him he's a hack. What's holding you back? Tell the guy he doesn't know what he's talking about. You are the know all Mopar, cough, cough gm guy.Define "a lot more"... which is like saying: "how high is up"...a dimensionless statment at best. Does he know more than I do? HIGHLY I'm a member of SAE and have performed many dyno runs on Mopar as well a several different GM engines. PERHAPS, you can share your your knowledge of what this fellow's qualifications are ... and why the defensive attitude? Is he a friend or ?