Endangered Species
Well-Known Member
That sir, is exactly what might get you elected from the tea party. See, we are sick to death of the necessarily complicated legislation. You are wrong, it does NOT have to be complicated.
Try this one...."Thou shalt not kill". Real simple, and not complicated. OK, let's try another, "It shall no longer be illegal to sell insurance across state lines". I guess that's a little more complicated (not really), but would save us all millions and maybe even trillions of dollars in health care costs.
How about this one..." No lawsuit shall be awarded an any amount greater than the current death benefit awarded to the family of a fallen serviceman".
This would be my favorite, as nothing is more sacred in this country than the life of one who has given all they have. No more multi million dollar awards.
It can be simple, and the fact that you think it HAS to be complicated and have worked there for so long shows that the system is corrupt. Laws don't need to be complicated, in fact, the more complicated, the less effective they are, because no one understands them and the big entities can get away with not following them.
No, we are the dupes. We let the senate get away with NOT passing a budget and we say nothing. It is their sworn duty to do so. WE do not hold them accountable.
Center my butt, we need to get back closer to the constitution and quit coddling the electorate who want something for nothing. This country is a place where you are allowed to succeed, but you also must be allowed to fail. Don't like those rules, then there are all kinds of countries that will take you in. OOOps, Maybe not. Don't try mexico, their immigration laws put our laws to shame, Yet Calderon comes here and lectures us, and the DEMS give that MFer a standing ovation? SHAME. What have we let our country become? A door mat for the world?
No, the tea party is just astroturf, nothing to worry about. OOps wrong again, I guess they are terrorists who held the country hostage. So, which is it? nothing.... or holding all the power? This country is center right and always has been. People like to have programs for the poor because it DOES make everyone feel better. But, the government does a lousy job administering them. Why, Because they are COMPLICATED!!! Make them simple and easy to audit. That would make people giving their money (taxpayers) feel better. Otherwise, people choose to give to charity. Just like Obama's favorite guy Buffet or Gates. If you haven't noticed those guys haven't given their billions over to the government and won't. But will give it to a charity. BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT IT WASTED.
Government IS the problem, we are in a replay of the late 70's and we need another LEADER like Reagan. Love him or hate him, there is no denying that he pulled the country together and led us to better prosperity.
Don't you like how they come out with 2000 page bills then it needs to be voted on in 24 hours?
Yha what's wrong with this picture... The middle class and millionairs are screaming they are taxed to death.
However the billionairs are saying that we are not taxed enough. There is something wrong with this picture. You have to ask yourself WHY are they saying that.