It's official, I HATE AC WORK!!!!! Borrowed a vacum pump and gauges, got 3 cans of r134, and got at it. I vacumed the system for an hour, then shut the pump off, held vacum for 30 minutes, FANTASTIC or so I thought. get one can of r134 in and the friggin fans worn't turn off (used a trinary switch). So I shut off the engine, NOW THE FANS TURN OFF, and I hear a leak coming from one of my custom adapters on the compressor, turns out it was a pin hole where my buddy stopped tig welding. No biggie, break loose the fitting, let the freon escape into the air (tree huggers everywhere are starting to form a lynch mob), fix pin hole, reconnect and vacum down the system again for 45 minutes, holds vacum for 30 minutes, can #2 goes in, notice compressor is turning, FILTH FLARIN FLITH etc etc, also pin hole in compressor fitting high side this time, break that fitting loose, more HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, MORE OZONE CONTAMINATION, take the fitting off fix pin hole. Repeat the whole vaum procedure again, bottle #3, and this time I took off the trinary and went with the binary switch. Compressor comes on and ac starts to blow cold, then I hear a leak in the fitting I just fixed, and sure enough it's leaking. I stop everything, disconnect gauges and crack the fitting to let out the OZONE KILLER, and walked away from it.
Gonna send my custom fittings to docs blocs and see about having them made so i know they will be done right. I have fought with certain stuff doing this build and would like to catch a break. Making brackets, hooking stuff up from a to b seems to be a no brainer, wiring and ac **** have kicked me so hard I dont think I could help make children anymore, lol!! The only thing that did go right was the heater side of the Vintage Air, you will not get cold in the winter for sure.