Well I did the "guy thing" AGAIN!! The instructions for the Vintage Air were "glanced" over and I went to town putting it in. As you all know I was finally able to charge the system awhile back and got 45-50 degrees from the vents. So I try the ac this past weekend, and the compressor wont kick on. I assumed it was cause I got some air in the lines and also not enough freon. Turns out I mounted the condensor upside down "should have read the instructions more carefully" and I mounted the binary switch before the drier. So tonight I took the condensor out, reinstalled it the right way, and mocked up a new hose and ordered a drier with a binary switch mounted to it.I'll get the new hose crimped and vacum it down this weekend and see what happens. Now all you people who want to give me static for releasing some freon into the air, I'm sorry.