Trying to get back at this project . . . and forget about life getting in the way . . .
So I grabbed a not so visible project, to work on and see how the results turned out, before I work on something that is more visible . . .
The candidate - the trunk lid ( inside the trunk ) . . .
First the layout work . . . where do the holes need to go . . .
Next, this is the stackup of the Greenlee tool to cut out the holes in the metal
This is the result of the hole cutout . . . really clean . . .
Add a bunch more . . . then dimple die the hole for added strength ( and coolness )
The end result . . . kinda . . . you'll see a few more in the next pics . . . and I'm thinking of adding a few more . . .
This allows you to see the holes on the inside part of the trunk cross member
Next . . time to take this all to bare metal for epoxy priming . . .
An somehow . . . I managed to get this really cool picture . . .
( going to add it to the random picture thread )
Still thinking of adding just a few more . . . next project will be the hood underside . . .