So August was a great summer month, not so much for making headway on the Coronet. Attended the Nats, which was great. Got to hang with some FBBO members and also got to check out Devin's Charger. After we got back, did a couple of camping trips, BBQ's, etc. and next thing you know it's the end of September. Man time flies when you're trying to build a car. But in between summer events I was able to make some progress. The interior firewall is pretty much done. Rolled on the Fat Mat RattleTrap, factory insulation, installed the brake and E-brake assemblies, drivers side vent box, Classic Air A/C box.
Started putting the passenger side door together. Can now open the door from inside and out, lock it. Put in the window tracks but the vent window is just mocked up for now.
Ironic that the easiest assembly to install didn't come with the car originally - the Classic Air box.
Installed a new antenna and fender turn signals.
- - - Updated - - -
I'm probably digging too deep for most members, but if you're putting together the side window assemblies on your late 60's B body, you may be missing these pieces. The upper rear frame of the vent window is secured/adjusted by a allen head bolt. The bolt screws into a metal block that sits in a pocket attached to the door frame. The screw is tightened by accessing the small hole in the door garnish molding; the hole is filled with a rubber nib. BTW, the rubber nib is being rebopped; I purchased a set from Laysons at the Nats. Anyway, a lot of times the allen bolt and adjusting block wind up missing; in my case I had one but couldn't find the other. Side note: I bagged and tagged EVERYTHING; don't know how I misplaced the one set. Fortunately with the one I had I was able to fab up a second.
Found everything I needed at Lowes. Bought a 3' stick of 3/16"x 3/4" welding rod; more than enough but 3' was the shortest they had. They also had the allen head bolts - 1/4 x 20.
Using the original as a buck I cut the rod to size with my Dremel, 1 1/2".
Drilled and tapped a hole. The length of the block isn't as critical as the width because it goes into the pocket vertically. I used the homemade one on the vent window above and it works perfectly.