I can see the finish line up in the distance. Crossing more things off the list.
The sfc are welded in; doors still open and close :grin: Suspension is done except for alignment - greased the Zerks and added cotter pins where I had run out of before. MP valve covers are in - another note to self, next time put 'em on before the engine is in. After the valve covers in went the new Taylor 8 mm plug wires. Kind of a disappointment - they were model/engine specific but are way too long. The #8 wire can be wrapped around the hood hinge and still have enough slack. After everything's done I'm going to go back and shorten several of the wires.
The steering column is in! Surprisingly it dropped in with no drama - Duke worked the engine compartment while I was inside. Even the roll pin slammed in rather easily. Used a 3/4" drive, 8" extension with tape shoved in the female end. The tape held the roll pin in place while guiding it into the hole, then used a hammer on the other end. Dabbed some grease on the end of the pin. Once started, turned the extension around and hammered it in. Hooked up the shifter linkage and now have a functional drive train.
The steering wheel is a place marker; a Grant wheel is on order
What happened to the engine compartment? It's completely filled in now.
Installed a coupler rebuild kit a few weeks ago. Replaced the original, tar like grease and the shoes and spring even though the originals seemed in good shape. Not sure if it's worth the time and effort - it's hard to dimple the cover tangs back onto the coupler body. It will never be the same as the factory.
And Hawk, check out the shock tower. After taking all precautions, covering the entire drivers side with towels, checking all connections, some brake fluid still dribbled down the inner fender. :angryfire: