67 GTX
Well-Known Member
Using the right carb vacuum? Usually two at the carb base, one full, one ported, looking from the front, ported would be on the right side (Carter/Eddy). That's the one to use. Any chance of a vacuum leak?
Dragon Slayer is right, on things to check. Sore subject, but points gap/dwell, for that distributor, should be in the book. If it's not working with the right numbers, something is worn, not letting it act right. Basics, cam and following blocks. See any wear?
I believe my carb only have 2 possible openings. One is a bigger inlet, and that goes to PCV. The other one is the one I've always used to the vacuum advance. I have a vacuum gauge on that the other day, and confirmed it is carb vacuum. The vacuum increases with engine rpm.
Does anyone have a FSM showing the spec's for a dual point 67 440? Mine doesn't show it. Perhaps that could be the issue here?
All parts look fine. I checked for bushing wear, and it was within spec. When I pulled a vacuum on the distributor with the cap off, the points plate moved freely.