We'll, it's been a tough couple of months. We had the world's worst plasterer who made a complete mess of the walls. The builder kept telling us that the painters would take care of it, but they couldn't. On top of that, the painters were hackers also.
It came to a boiling point a little over a month ago when I told the builder to stop painting as it was just a waste of time, effort and money. To make a long story short, I told the builder that he's got two choices; remove all the trim and sheetrock and start over or get someone in who can repair the walls and repaint all over again. He went with option 2 and the repair/paint crew have been there for the past month refinishing. Right now, they are about 85 percent done and have pulled out for others to get in. This screw up has set us back 2+ months.
The hardwood flooring will go in next week, then the cabinets and remaining trim. Once all that's done, the painters will come back in to finish up. Then it's countertops, carpets and all the other little stuff.
After nearly 3 months of anguish, I'm feeling a lot better now, and I'd like to think that we are on the home stretch. Finally.