Well-Known Member
Superbowl 50 bound baby!!
Just sayin!!
Hopefully this takes Jim Harbrau off coach talkes with the Raiders. Can't stand the bitter beer face of that guy!!
Superbowl 50 bound baby!!
Twelve straight years with ten wins or more!!
Nice work, Tommy.
I wonder if Budniks and his Dad are still in a fist fight.
I was hoping that the Chargers would play like they did when they beat the Seahawks earlier this year. Rivers had the game of his career against the Hawks that day, but he looked very average last night vs the Pats. Brady and the offense get all the press, but the Patriot defense played well, especially in the second half. It'll be interesting to see how far the Pats go in the playoffs.
You should become a Raider fan. We are a way cooler club then the Pats. Plus, I don't know if you heard all the commotion, but they got 2nd win of the season yesterday.
as for for harrbaugh going to the raiders? I think it's a good fit. Prick coach for a prick team.
jeez. congrats Green Bay fans. The Pack has been looking unstoppable lately.
{there I said it. lol}
now that that's out of the way.....
View attachment 226081
btw, is ha-ha clinton-dix that guy's real name??? HA-HA? :rolling:
The offense needs to stay that way with the way the defense played last night.I thought they were going to blow it.
Yes, I fell asleep and woke up to a much closer score and wondered "what the ef?" That second half was ugly on the defensive side. But it was nice to see the offense rise to the occasion and finish them off.
sorry no link
I saw that sCam Newton, Panthers QB rolled his truck in a 2 car/vehicle collision,
allegedly he has sustained 2 small fractures of vertebrae in his back,
he was taken away in an Ambulance from the scene, he's recovering at home now...
oh too bad, so sad...
never been a big fan of the cheater, best player NCCA could buy
LOL - it was almost like they told everyone to NOT cover Julio Jones.someone should kick Capers in the nuts.:icon_redface: