EFI was on my list to replace the carb on my last car, never happen. Fast forward to my car, Cora, she's very special and no matter how many people do new conversions, mine was done as a test mule that lead the way to a better understanding of how things are done today. One sbc engine mount and one chrysler are what holds my engine in. Mostly home made engine management wiring harness with part of the original chrysler 300 computer and with a home made shifter made to only go from park to drive, but shifts the truck 5 speed through all the gears to come to rest in overdrive at 1600 rpms at 70, it's truly a blast to drive. The gas tank, which is home made stainless steel with a Corvette fuel line is what at the time was needed to make it all come together. To start my car the key is turned to the on position for 5 to 10 seconds and then crank to start. If you just get in and crank it, it starts right up and no matter how much gas you give it won't go over 20 mph, stop it, turn the key off and back to the on position, wait 5 to 10 seconds and crank and it's off and running. These weird problem I will never fix, because time has caught up and all these issued have been addressed and resolved. Fuel management, lines and computers have been designed to make all this so much easier than when mine was built. When you're one of the first to blaze a trail it makes it easier for others to follow. I didn't build my car, a car builder up north with a vision to sell conversions kits for B Body Chrysler's built it in 2005-2006............ Let The Horses Run!!