I am not a litigious person. IMHO, taking them to court will be a waste of time. We've called the county sheriff's deptartment and animal control many times and nothing has been done until now and all they did was write a ticket. I'm not gonna waste taxpayers money tying up a stupid dog case in court. That's not who I am. Now.......my wife is NOT havin a good day. She's a heart patient and is on about 14 meds twice a day since her heart attack in September of 2011. She's already taken one nitro pill for chest pain. She's better, but if something happens to HER, rest assured, I'll grab the dirtiest attorney I can find.
Woke up early this mornin to a commotion on the front porch. Three of our neighbor's dogs they just let roam free came up on the porch and grabbed one of our cats and killed him before we were able to get them off. One of them even bit my wife as she was trying to get them off. I swear I wish people didn't think they had the right to let their dogs just roam free. That cat was 15 years old and almost blind. He never left the porch except to do his business. He never hurt anybody. We're gonna miss you , Rickie.
Sorry to hear it! Good to hear the wife didn't get too tore up and is gonna be alright.
How about you fight fire with fire? Maybe some free roaming Badger's or Wolverines? Even better yet, how about a DIY Honey Bee starter kit set up over by their property?