Definitely will, and thanks! I'm stoked for tomorrow, idk if I'll be able to sleep.
Personally, I recommend that you try the Eddie Motorsports system - then send me a review! That's the one I've been looking at. They're local, so I may go by and look.
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Can anybody tell me who makes that slick setup that mounts the A/C pump down low that I posted? My labtop is down and the smart phone is a real pain sometimes. Thanks
Eddie's systems are all up ovr the $2000 range STEEEEEP!!
I have a serpentine system from March. I bought the cheaper "deluxe" version, cost was around $600. I love the sound the serpentine system makes when you rev the engine. Same sound as a blower but half as loud. Easy to adjust and never a problem. I bought at Summit for cheaper. Love it!
we have a few guys running mechanical fans. we have to modify the water pump pulley for you and you need to get a reverse rotation clutch and a reverse rotation fan. if you don't want the clutch you can use just a spacer as well. but on our kit, you get a 120 amp alternator so you now have plenty of amps to run electric fans so no need to stay with mechanical.