You’re a good person Cranky; thinking about your little best buddy’s. Yeah we never know when our ticket gets punched and even if one doesn’t have health issues. Couple times I can recall da close ones where I might a had my ticky punched. I’m certain I’m in a lot of company here. I think falls are the leading cause of death for folks over 65.
Allow me to share a ‘fall’ story pls. My dad was pretty lucky making it to 94 with some of the stuff he did. We thought he had nine lives. In their old house, he had built a pantry in the basement stairwell. He mounted hinged drop platforms over the stairs, three platform section as the floor, with a large stowage cabinet at the back stairwell wall. I was around 12 then. He warned us never to leave any of those drop panels open; if one was down, have them all down. Years later we were in our own home as my folks were prepping to move out and I’m on the phone with my mother discussing the move chores. She called out to my dad with a question; he was in the stairwell with only the 1st panel down. Her call distracted him, so he later said, next thing is weird smacking noises and my mother screaming.
Yep, he fell off the platform down to the stairs and to the basement floor with a box-knife in his hand. I had our 1st daughter, infant at the time. Wife was out shopping. We lived about 15 minutes away. Next door lady who occasionally baby sat for us was home and got her there quick. My dad was in his recliner by the time I got there still bleeding, refusing to see a doc, typical for him. He broke his nose causing most of the blood, wondering if he stabbed himself with the knife. Geez, the amount of blood was unreal on the floor. Took me over a half hour to clean it up. Wondered if he had any blood left in his body. He said leave me alone, don’t need to see a doc. He was fine after a few smokes and a beer and or martini, lol.