Not allot going on, I did however get the new yoke installed (very nice piece) and got the tranny wired up. I'll show some of the cool things I got for wiring for anybody who's sick of the typical auto parts store junk.
Here's the connectors and all of the little pieces.

Check out how perfect this crimp is, that cost me $60.00!!!!!!! I finally broke down and bought a W crimper for these things and I don't regret it. I may be a little **** about wiring but it comes from allot of youthful stupidity so I've learned my lesson haha.

The finished product.

Another cool thing I picked up is these super cool zip ties, just drill a 1/4" hole, shove them in and secure your wires (love em).

And the new 1350 yoke.

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Sorry about the door handle pic but since it's here I'll explain, this turd cost me enough embarrassment last year (locking me out of the car) so it was time to see what was going on. This is a brand new Trim Parts door handle and you can see how the tab isn't in the hole where it's supposed to be and of coarse the screw came loose too. I had to put it in the vice to get the tab bent to where it is fully engaged and then RED LOCTITED the screw in, is it really that hard to make a good handle?
Here's the connectors and all of the little pieces.

Check out how perfect this crimp is, that cost me $60.00!!!!!!! I finally broke down and bought a W crimper for these things and I don't regret it. I may be a little **** about wiring but it comes from allot of youthful stupidity so I've learned my lesson haha.

The finished product.

Another cool thing I picked up is these super cool zip ties, just drill a 1/4" hole, shove them in and secure your wires (love em).

And the new 1350 yoke.

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Sorry about the door handle pic but since it's here I'll explain, this turd cost me enough embarrassment last year (locking me out of the car) so it was time to see what was going on. This is a brand new Trim Parts door handle and you can see how the tab isn't in the hole where it's supposed to be and of coarse the screw came loose too. I had to put it in the vice to get the tab bent to where it is fully engaged and then RED LOCTITED the screw in, is it really that hard to make a good handle?