Does it count if it's a newer Mopar?
Used my newly fabricated pinch weld adapters for my air jack.
(God, I LOVE that tool)
Mounted and balanced one of two new front tires using my newly installed replacement "duck head". Worked well and didn't scratch the rim at all.
Actually had to remove weight to get it to 0/0.
(That's a good thing)
First spin was .50/.50 and I found 1Oz on the outside and .5 on the inside almost exactly opposite of where it wanted me to add.
Removed the inside and 1/2 of the outside weights and it came back .25, about 120 degrees from the remaining weights. I took off the one nearest, and the next spin was 0/0.
That's another $50-$100 taken off the cost of the tire machine and balancer!
...and sanded off the scuffs made on one rim from the old duck head that didn't have plastic guards.
Used 300, then 400 and then Meguires cutting compound followed by a clear coat spray.
Not perfect but MUCH better than it was and unnoticeable from 10 feet away.
Maybe today, I'll have a long enough window between rainstorms to get the other side done.