I got my to-do list done sooner than expected and it was a broiler here today so I decided to go to the coast.
But didn't make it because of construction delays (NOT going to sit still in that car in the sun for 30 minutes!
So I detoured through Santa Rosa, then up 101.
Was still going to try for the coast but saw all the traffic headed that way so I just went on up the highway past Healdsburg and on to the Alexander Valley exit.
Fate was with me (along with the HEAT-3pm now)and traffic was all going the other way.
Blah, blah, blah- the usual...
I was HAPPY to see the Taco Truck was back in business!
Hasn't been there in months...Another 'excuse' to go for a drive in the old car!
So anyway, I ended up back home at just after 4pm.
The hottest part of the day.
I guess all I really wanted to do all along was go for a drive.
Right then!