I have bought a 318 cui motor (casting nr 4006730-318-2 witch i think was year 76-79) that has been in the workshop for many years and I will use it in my Satelitte when the old engine is cracked.
I have taken it apart to give it new headgasket mainbearings mm and have taken the camshaft out to see whitch model but there is not stamped anything at the end of the camshaft just a few numbers on the actual knobs and I did not think I can judge the conditions on the camshaft?

I have taken it apart to give it new headgasket mainbearings mm and have taken the camshaft out to see whitch model but there is not stamped anything at the end of the camshaft just a few numbers on the actual knobs and I did not think I can judge the conditions on the camshaft?