Yes I'm ready for the summer.... I live in the foothills so I have all 4 seasons here... I hate what winter does to everything, it seems that it just ruins everything, too much rain & even snow for my taste.... the only reason why I stay in Calif. is for the great weather... Also the older I get, the more I like warmer weather, I love the sun & summer, the 4th of July is my favorite holiday too, by far.. my B-Day is in July also... trout fishing, racing, cruising, car shows, swap meets, parades, founders day, rodeos etc. are all at their peaks in July also... I still like to Snow Ski, mainly for allthe snow bunnies...LOL...but I'm born & Raised Calif. Boy, I love the Surf & Sun most of all... Also here in NorCal we don't have the stifling 90% humidity like you'all guys in the south, mid-west or back east have, so the summer months here in parts of the Spring April or May, then traditionally summer starts June, July & August, sometimes September or even late into October Fall season or Indian summers, are much better out here in the Great Golden State, than the mid west, back east or south....... but like Pabster said "stay where you are", we have enough damn people & crazys here already, far too many for my liken' & mostly all from somewhere else, or born somewhere else, from some other state or country, there's very few Native Californians anymore, that are in my Native State of California... I can't wait for the Endless Summer....