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Who else is ready for summer?

60 degrees here a couple days ago, 5 this morning with 12 below windchill. Winter sucks.
We have our winter driving hazzards in Florida as well, SNOWBIRDS.
Just waking up in the bunk.WTF ? 63 Tue,-5 wind chill pushing -25 tonite. Fifth wheels sticking,dolly legs SLOW,&Im pissing ice cubes between the truck& trailer. You'd think after 30yrs Id quit whining,nope! I want summer! Who put sand in my Pert?
yeah...i'm ready for summer..

We all want are cars to ready for summer.... But some might not be ready for the Beach.......

got a bag outside the door. still snowing and friggin cold!
I'll revive this thread for a day like today. It's 38 degrees out right now which wouldn't be too bad except for the heavy rain and the 40 to 50 mph wind with gusts to 60 mph. The rain hits you like bullets. The lights are flickering so I will probably be off the air soon.
I see you guys in the midwest are getting heavy snow again. I know you can use the water but it looks like it might be hard to get around for awhile. At least I don't have to shovel the rain.
It was very nice & sunny today 68* we had a bunch of snow & 20* weather last week, the weather is freaken fickeled....
Coastal California... 64 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. Drove my Charger to work today. Think I might put on shorts and wash it when I get home with a cold beer. For all you suffering in the snow, hats off to you. :)
Brrrr, just came inside from my break.... 70 degrees out, kinda chilly. Still, managed to drive the Plymouth to work without the heater.... Not too excited about the 200 degree summer though... LOL!!!!
Are we there yet?

...he proclaims after fighting the slush masquerading as snow today. Too damn wet and heavy to shovel,even the snow(?)blower hated it,and too crappy to ride the sleds. Yeah,I'm ready. Now to get the car ready.
Bring on the snow!! 1800 miles + on this season and still counting... Spring can call me come May.

Im very much looking forward to spring, My car is about ready to pull out and its been one heck of a long cold winter for us. I do hope you snowmobile-rs get some more fun before it happens but i look forward to the robins singing and the trees greening and some noise from a small block engine mixed with a bunch of 70's music filling the warm breeze coming in my windows.
Just noticed the blooms were out on the Japanese maples here. Looks like popcorn all over the trees. Supposed to hit the 70s over the next 3 days.

I'd take a picture but that would just be rubbing it in for you mid-western types.
Auto Transport Service