Some shots from my P-3C days...
My crew (CAC-10) at NAS Sigonella, Italy in 1982.
I took these on a patrol mission in 1983 or so. We were taking off from NAS Jacksonville, FL, and a frigging sea gull hit the plane just as we climbed past the tower. The guys in the tower didn't see the bird hit, but saw something white fall from the plane and thought it was a panel. They had another of our crews that was flying come over to check us out.
Shot of one of our Fast Attack boats submerging off Charleston, S.C.
Rigging shot of SS Festivale, a cruise ship we rigged in the Caribbean on a counter-narcotics flight.
Shot of my acoustic sensor station. That is what sonar signatures look like when they are displayed on paper.
This is a shot of the line of Brits waiting to get a tour of our plane at the HMS Lands End airshow in England in 1982/1983. We had planned to open the plane from 0900-1100, go to lunch, then re-open from 1300-1500, and we ended up going non-stop from 0730 when we got there until just before 2000 that night.
Shot of a Soviet Kashin Class cruiser in the Med in 1982.
Shot of a Soviet Foxtrot SS we caught on the surface of the Med in 1984, and was blowing his tanks to get submerged.
Me, sick as a dog, sitting at my station on my second patrol mission with VP-5 in 1980. My stomach had yet to adapt to bouncing around at 300 feet for eight hours.