Well-Known Member
By the way a technique that we use in the shop I work in to weld sheet metal would be to stagger banjo weld the seams instead of a continuous bead. This would be for example to mark off every 1 or 2 inches and tack those spots all along the seam then return to the first tack and put one right next to it and then next to the the second tack and so on repeating the process until the seam is closed. Tacking this way helps the metal to keep its shape as it is secured all along the seam and each area gets a chance to cool a little before you add another tack. When you continuous weld along a seam of thin sheet metal the heat continuously fans out across the metal shrinking and distorting it. If done right they look like small coins laid on top of each other along the seam. If you have a self darkening helmet and you choose this method you should really close your eyes just before you pull the trigger to spark the tack. The light travels much faster than any self darkening helmet can change shade levels.