WooooHoooo, what a weekend; I got the quarter panel completely installed! I still have to clean up all the welds but that shouldn't be too bad, then after that I'll finish off the body work.
Here are some shots of the install:
Spot weld, after spot weld, after spot weld. I used a couple dozen panel alignment clips to keep the new quarter lined up with the existing metal. Thees things are really inexpensive but they sure do a great job.

On the lower quarter behind the wheel well I used my spot welder. It was tough controlling the welder, I got some burn through, but the welds are strong and I'm pleased with the results.

Below is the tail light area, which in some areas has 4 layers of metal layered/sandwiched; this was one of the most difficult areas to work on, first delaminating the old metal then trying to fit the new.

Here's a shot of the quarter after a couple hours worth of spot welding:

I didn't want to disturb where the quarter panel meets the "C" pillar or the front trunk corner, that's why I blended the quarter panel below the body line, but doing so also forced me to blend the corner above the tail light. This was one of the areas that took the most time to fit correctly but the results were really worth it.

I wanted and planned on using my spot welder on this flange but just couldn't get the arms to fit so I ended up fill-welding the flange and will grind them down along with the thoosands of tack welds:

With so much area to weld it was pretty easy to get good results with no warping, so the body work should go pretty quickly (after all the wonderful grinding!):

A couple of posts ago I mentioned how the newly installed inner wheel well lip wasn't lining up with the quarter panel lip very well so before I installed the quarter panel I took some time and "bumped" the outer half of the inner wheel well, taking some of the arc out of it, which moved the lip of the wheel well closer to the lip of the quarter panel. After installing the quarter it looks like getting the two lips to mate up should be no problem.
Like I said at the beginning of this post: WoooooHooooo!
If there is an "extra" picture below this post I have no idea how it got there or how to delete it; sorry.