Thanks guys! And conv67 don't feel too bad I'm right there with you on the welding practice haha, this was the quarter that was brazed on at some point quite a while ago, had to grind the braze out and reweld it almost all the way around and still have a bit to do down by where it meets the rocker :banghead: ah well, at least welding's pretty fun and an awesome feeling when you get to see the finished panel :icon_thumleft:
Been a pretty hectic past few days getting ready for Christmas. Thankfully avoided too much last minute shopping, but from what I did have to do it seemed like Walmart pretty much turned into Thunderdome.
"Two men enter, one man leaves!" lol. Didn't have much time for Frankenstein, but I've made plans with my resto friend Mike to come help me get my dash in the car on Sunday. :icon_pray: So now it'll be full steam ahead getting ready for that; stripping and painting the windshield shelf, painting the brake pedal assembly, recovering the wiper linkage, installing everything, etc.
And to all you guys: I consider myself lucky to have found this forum and come to be friends with such a supportive, kind, knowledgeable, and generally outstanding group of people :icon_thumleft: Sending you all my best wishes for a safe, happy, healthy holiday for you and your families,
Merry Christmas!!
Oh and here's some pics of the Chevelle, pre front end damage. Really miss driving it but once the Charger's generally wrapped up, old Blackie will be making a full recovery and be back on the road soon


"Back to the 50's" cruise having some light-to-light fun with my crazy friend Tim and his '67, getting some finger waves from the officials lol. I always say half the fun of these cars is the people you meet along the way