Alright guys, had a great weekend powering through on the Charger. Got that window shelf taped off, sealed with Chassis Saver and topcoated with single stage jet black. Came out nice even though no one's ever gonna see it haha. I also shot my battery tray and k-frame-to-rad-support brace with it, I'll have to post up some pics of them later
I should also note, when I was stripping the shelf I had to remove some pretty rusty lower molding clips. I just center-punched the screws and drilled them out with a 1/8" carbide drill (comes in handy working in a machine shop that makes them haha). It seemed like the original screws still worked with the 1/8" hole but I was told if not, they can be riveted on in place of screws.
So with that done I went to work on the brake pedal assembly and got it stripped, etch primed and painted like the emergency brake. Sorry I forgot to take one of it after topcoating. Also I removed the little joint that connects it to the brake booster, painted it separately, and regreased the special bolt with the o-ring that connects it to the brake pedal itself.
Then sandblasted and painted/flat cleared a bunch of hardware for the pedal assemblies, steering collumn, dash, wipers, etc. (Not all of them are in this pic) and painted the steering collumn support bracket. I know this would normally be a semi-gloss black and most of the pedals assemblies would be bare metal, but I thought having all these things satin black would look better with my interior.
Then wrapped up with some tinkering on my dash: cleaned up the wiring with some zipties (someone also spliced in a couple random wires which I removed), secured my macguyvered-in modern pioneer stereo, got all the pad fastened down, ignition and ignition light hooked up, vacuum switch connected to my light switch, and glove box in. Finally ready to go in the car :icon_pray:
So Saturday night I pulled a traditional caffeine-fueled all-nighter getting all this stuff done, so I'd be ready for my car builder friend/"Mopar Mr. Miagi", Mike to come over for some Sunday wrenching. We got the driver's side fresh air vent box in, then the parking brake, then the windshield wiper linkage with new seals. Before I put that in, I sprayed wd40 down the crimped end of each pivot by where the wipers attach, and worked them back and forth until they freed up and turned nicely. We were on track to get the dash in until we noticed I was missing some standard bolts for the brake pedal assembly, so I'll be hitting Napa for a hardware run later today and hopefully be putting the steering collumn and dash in with Mike later this week. I'll get some better pics later when I get the brake assembly bolted up, but here's a few I grabbed in the middle of all the action
Starting to feel less like a shop ornament and more like a car
