Thanks for the pic 747, that's what I was thinking but just didn't want to big of a spacer to where the steering wheel is too close and trying to kill my ability to reproduce lol. I ended up finding this one that's 1" thick black anodized aluminum. Something like 25 bucks after shipping and it should be here within the week :icon_thumleft: doubt I'll really notice the extra inch of spacing
Do I feel a start up vid on the horizon??? Your dash polished up nice and as usual, lookin good Speedy. It really is easy to forget you're only 21 and I'm sure you'll figure out your steering wheel with no problems or minimal problems.
Thanks bigblock and yeah I'm shooting for this weekend! Got some friends back in town visiting so I think we'll be having a maiden fireoff fiesta if I manage to get the wiring figured out and everything buttoned up in time. Getting real close!

Sorry I've been kinda slacking on the updates this past few days guys, had a pretty busy weekend and got to check out the first local car show of the year, but I did a couple little things in the engine bay I was meaning to do. Got started on the wiring and blacked out my PS cap, coil bracket, alternator spacer, and distributor cap. Used SEM colorcoat on the dist. cap and it worked like a charm. Little touches but I think it made a good change
The wiring brought up a question I've been wondering about, since I have a stock wiring harness and stock wiring diagram, does anyone know what wire I should use or how I should modify for my one-wire alternator? I would think I should look at my diagram and just use whatever wire goes to the ammeter but wasn't sure :shruggy:
Also been getting a lot of work in on the fan shroud but didn't bother to post til I had something to show for it haha. Got all my measurements taken and the mdf "template" made
And used fleece for the base fabric since I read online that it'll be thicker and stronger than other fabrics after the resin is applied. Stretched it over my template and now it's ready for resin and glassing I'll be doing tonight. Had to add the extra template piece at the bottom cause I was worried about fan clearance
If all goes well I think it'll come out pretty clean! Keeping my fingers crossed haha