Lol sorry guys, just been busy kicking some more @ss haha. Finally got a solid weekend of work in at the shop, starting with a massive spring cleaning. Took a load of trash out, hunted around finding all the tools that seem to hide themselves all over hell's half acre, and reorganized my parts room. Maybe I'll actually know where stuff is now haha
Then MCA Mike came by and helped dismantle the passenger side door and take both doors off the car
Driver's side doorjamb corner before I took the door off :icon_thumleft:
So since the weather's been awesome this week I took a half day off work today and called in some reinforcements. Me and a friend of mine continued the mad thrash and completely stripped the 5-ish layers of primers/paint/filler off both doors
Spot stripped the other sides as needed
And stripped some serious acreage off the doorjambs, door posts, and cowl. Really cool of him to come help out
Gonna hit the areas that were prone to surface rust with Chassis Saver, lay all the seam sealer, and shoot some All-U-Need. That will then get wet-sanded and topcoated with single stage jet black (just where I'm jambing, the main exterior body will be base/clear when the time comes).
And for whatever reason tonight was the night every mosquito in a 50 mile radius coordinated an invasion of my shop, so I broke out one of the oldest forms of entertainment and kicked back to the soothing sounds of my high voltage counterstrike
Which inspired this week's Speedfreak FM selection, I was gonna go with Metallica's Ride the Lightning but couldn't find a good youtube upload of it haha
Hopefully have some primer/paint to post in the next day or two!
