Hey guys, been busy becoming one with the longblock but I finally escaped the daily grind to get an update on here haha. Still no paint to post unfortunately :frustrated: The bodywork has been taking longer than expected, but isn't that how it always is?
Frankenstein won't be getting a vinyl toupe' so I've been obsessive with getting the roof seams really straight, and I'm finally happy with the A-pillars.
Also ground the lead down low on the cowl seams and etch-primed those areas ahead of some All-Metal and body filler that I'll be doing tonight. Pretty crazy how high those spots are from the factory with all the lead
And in between waiting for the filler to kick on the A-pillars, got some good work in on the pass. side C-pillar, about 90% there now. And thought I would mention that I coughed up the extra denero's for a gallon of 3M's Platinum Plus filler, it's a little more expensive at $60 but it's really great stuff! Sands awesome and has zero pinholes unlike the cheaper stuff I've used
And finally finished stripping the grate on the cowl which seemed like it was never going to end. There are a few small waves in the fins and in front of them (towards the engine bay) so that will be fun getting straight but at least all the layers of chipping old paint are gone
Pretty relieved to say I have some other off-topic good news too, the deal went through on my '64 Chevelle parts car and I traded it for a powdercoated '67 frame plus a full set of control/trailing arms and some cash. Saved myself a lot of work, freed up a good chunk of real estate in the shop, and made a good step towards fixing my '67. Feels like I just broke out of Shawshank or something lol
The Craigslist luck kept rolling and I sold a full set of seat covers that came with the Chevelle when I bought it, and took the Charger Fund off life support! lol
Started with buying some LED bulb replacements for my front ambers (since someone switched them to clear standard bulbs at some point), I know it'll be a little while til they're on the car but it's one more thing off the list and was fun tinkering with for a minute. Most places want $15-30 for these little guys and I scored my pair on Ebay for $7 and change with free shipping lol. Seems like they're well-made, 68 LED's per bulb, and they look awesome!
Also ordered a full set of speakers; 2 Polk Audio db351 3.5" Coaxials for the dash, 2 Kenwood KFC-1094PS 4" coaxials for the kick panels, and 2 Kenwood KFC-6965S 6x9" coaxials for the package tray. The Kenwoods were on sale too, so I ended up only paying $125 total for all 6 speakers! Big thanks to Prop for helping me out on figuring out this whole setup, this is basically what he used on Skelator and I'm really looking forward to hearing how it all sounds :icon_thumleft:
Other parts I picked up were a door hinge bushing/repair kit, the passenger side lower front quarter patch I still needed, and thinking about buying a pair of Global West subframe connectors Mike's got out at his place. Sounded like they're pretty nice, anyone have any experience with em?
I feel bad I've been so busy and haven't had time to chime in on everyone's threads but I've been lurking when I can, and thanks to Dev, Joel, Charlie, Goon, Kahn, and all you guys! Your cars are all looking amazing and keeping me motivated to at least get mine back on the road this summer, I'm on a mission! haha
