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'69 charger r/t-se: Building my dream car

Good to hear the HF Powder Coat is working out for you Speedy. Gotta love new toys eh? Heck, I'd be powder coating everything! Parts...tools...equipment....neighbors dog.
Thanks Kahn! And yeah I usually have low expectations from some HF products but in this case I was pretty excited to be proven wrong haha the finish is awesome and I've dropped it a couple times/ tried to scratch it and it never chipped. Makes me want a full size kitchen oven to coat some bigger parts haha

Good to hear the HF Powder Coat is working out for you Speedy. Gotta love new toys eh? Heck, I'd be powder coating everything! Parts...tools...equipment....neighbors dog.

....... and so it begins. :D Welcome to the wonderful world of powder coating Speedy!!! Do me a favor though -- don't practice your new high temp tape on your carburetor. I don't know what you bought but I hope it was blue (the green sucks azz and the fiber stuff is even worse). Regardless, it's great for a lot of things but you'll need to get up to speed with its intricacies first before using it on something important. Give me a call if you run into any issues and I might be able to help.
....... and so it begins. :D Welcome to the wonderful world of powder coating Speedy!!! Do me a favor though -- don't practice your new high temp tape on your carburetor. I don't know what you bought but I hope it was blue (the green sucks azz and the fiber stuff is even worse). Regardless, it's great for a lot of things but you'll need to get up to speed with its intricacies first before using it on something important. Give me a call if you run into any issues and I might be able to help.

This is what makes this sight so helpful (nice people that are always willing to help)!
Nice headers.........................Sure would be nice to see ya put them on the CHARGER soon. You know I'm going to keep busting your balls until you get back on the Charger don't ya???? LOL
Lol I saw that one coming a mile away man, but don't worry, the time has come! Broke oit the trusty "header removal tool" and went to town last night



Both sides are out now, and my dad should be coming by tonight to lend a hand putting the new ones in. Plan is to take out the t bars, put the new starter in, lift the drivers side of the engine, snake the drivers side header in, drop it down and shove the passenger side up there. Sounds easy enough right..? (keeping my fingers crossed haha)

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Every now and then they have a diamond in the rough. My engine crane came from there, my engine stand, my sand blaster....all of those have worked exactly up to expectations if not exceeding. I generally refrain from buying electronics from there...some chicago pneumatic stuff which has been just fine.
That's funny I have those same things from there amd they've served me well, too. Avoiding their electronics for the most part is probably the best way to go haha

I have a lot of reservations with HF myself but i to have found exceptions that im glad i have! Im glad you brought it up, I like the powder coating idea, one to think over for small stuff anyway! You have a way in making things look great in whatever way you do them.... Curious....

Thanks Ron! It's definitely going to be fun seeing what all I end up powdercoating now that I'm testing the waters. May be amatuer hour but it's still better than paint! Lol

Good to hear the HF Powder Coat is working out for you Speedy. Gotta love new toys eh? Heck, I'd be powder coating everything! Parts...tools...equipment....neighbors dog.
Roger that, I'm already looking at my shop in powdercoat targeting mode haha. The neighbor's dog has eluded me so far, but I'm thinking it might look pretty sharp in matte black :thinker:

....... and so it begins. :D Welcome to the wonderful world of powder coating Speedy!!! Do me a favor though -- don't practice your new high temp tape on your carburetor. I don't know what you bought but I hope it was blue (the green sucks azz and the fiber stuff is even worse). Regardless, it's great for a lot of things but you'll need to get up to speed with its intricacies first before using it on something important. Give me a call if you run into any issues and I might be able to help.

Hey thanks Leanna! I was just about to shoot ya a pm asking about some pointers, thanks for the heads up and offer for much-appreciated assistance! (Cue Wayne's world "we're not worthy" scene :notworthy: )

This is what makes this sight so helpful (nice people that are always willing to help)!
Got that right man, very cool to have such talented people nice enough to offer their help (yourself included) :icon_thumleft:
We, i mean YOU have the technology :icon_salut:
The one part you did looks so good, I just wonder how long they will stay, I sure aint a expert and know nothing about it but it does look great but i do wonder if it keeps looking so good, It really sounds like a cool cheap alternative to sending them out, im afraid im going to need to try this myself, it isint so much that we cant give it a try the way im looking at it! At least the smaller parts....
I enjoyed the chat! It was one of the best hours I've spent in awhile and we have a lot more in common than I realized. I'll be following along with interest. :D
Well I guess nobodies using them now................ Jeez Speedy talk about a violent header removal haha. O.K I'm happy now, your back to work on the most beautiful car ever built and I'll quit busting your balls now. You know I'm just eager to see it done that's all?
Well I guess nobodies using them now................ Jeez Speedy talk about a violent header removal haha. O.K I'm happy now, your back to work on the most beautiful car ever built and I'll quit busting your balls now. You know I'm just eager to see it done that's all?

(insert thumbs up here!) :)
Alright guys, I had to dig deep into my colorful language arsenal on this one, but I finally have my victory

Original plan was to replace all the exhaust studs with bolts except the first and last on each side, up until I found out there's more than those 2 that go through the water jacket on each side, and that half of mine were still ancient ones that refused to come out. So then I went to town shortening all of them to hopefully make any header removal easier in the future. (Another PITA the sawzall got broken out for a couple times) Makes me really look forward to aluminum heads without the water jacket headaches, but this should work fine for now.


Also had to do a little prep on the starter, cutting the main terminal stud down to only what was needed (to clear the engine block), and adapting the oem starter relay plug by cutting the plastic away and soldering up a wire with spade disconnect. (The 16 ga pictured had to be replaced with 10 ga to match my existing harness.. :head_smack: but same idea haha)





Then came the joyous install, luckily a couple buddies came by to lend a hand haha. Started by lifting the drivers side of the engine and snaking the new header in, but ended up having to cut my old exhaust for it to clear (the Doug's must be longer than the Hedmans), and got forced to take a little break when the sawzall ran out of battery. :banghead: The passenger side was supposed to go right in, but thanks to my exhaust studs I had to jack up that side of the engine, too. Took some pretty fancy maneuvering and a couple extra hands but man it feels good to finally have them in



Hooked up the wiring to my new starter and everything turns over great, time to get Frankenstein back up and running! :banana:

Sorry Dev but I couldn't stay completely away from the Chebbie either haha. Been plugging along on my homebuilt blow-thru double pumper, starting with removing the choke tower (probably would've been a pretty decent flow restriction inside the carb hat)


Then broke out the little rotary tool, files, and some sand paper to smooth everything out before a bath in some carb cleaner


Then taped off all gasketed surfaces and the top of the carb, since I don't know how well the cheap harbor freight powder would hold up with fuel. Then a good sandblasting and cleaning.


And some matte black powdercoat :icon_cool: (huge thanks to cudachick for all the pointers and advice!)



Since the carb was missing the secondary metering block when I bought it, I decided to buy these pretty slick Quick Fuel ones. Adjustable idle feed restrictions, and more importantly adjustable power valve restrictions which will really be nice for tuning the on-boost fueling (otherwise I'd be drilling out the stock pre-drilled pvcr's until it was close, and if you go over you're kinda doomed to run rich haha)


So now I'm still plugging along powdercoating the bowls and other parts, then some modifying the throttle plate and this thing can go back together. Probably going to do a full blow-thru how-to post once it's all done. But first, Charger video! To be continued haha
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We, i mean YOU have the technology :icon_salut:
The one part you did looks so good, I just wonder how long they will stay, I sure aint a expert and know nothing about it but it does look great but i do wonder if it keeps looking so good, It really sounds like a cool cheap alternative to sending them out, im afraid im going to need to try this myself, it isint so much that we cant give it a try the way im looking at it! At least the smaller parts....
Yeah I'm with ya Ron, I had a lot of reservations about the finish and durability, but so far my attempts at scratching/chipping my first test piece have proven it to be pretty strong! We'll see how it does over time but so far I can't say I have any complaints!

I enjoyed the chat! It was one of the best hours I've spent in awhile and we have a lot more in common than I realized. I'll be following along with interest. :D
As did I ma'am! Thanks again for letting me in on all your tips, they've already saved me multiple headaches and I couldn't have asked for a cooler teacher :icon_thumleft:

Weren't those the headers you were gonna sell me !!!


WTF Speedy, I thought we were tight.


I cuuda used them.

Damn, sorry Mike! I never heard back from you after my last message so I figured you were gonna pass on em... I was a little rushed for time so the sawzall had to come out and play haha. I'll keep an eye out for another pair for ya!

Well I guess nobodies using them now................ Jeez Speedy talk about a violent header removal haha. O.K I'm happy now, your back to work on the most beautiful car ever built and I'll quit busting your balls now. You know I'm just eager to see it done that's all?
Ya gots to do what ya gots to do man :chain saw: Lol! And no harm in a little motivation, so thanks for the good looking out brutha! Haha
Speedy it really appears you have had your hands full with those headers alone, im impressed with all you came up with and im sure glad lol that i wasn;t around to hear the colorful words that went with it lol, of course ive been at that point myself but its good to know you beat it and hopefully the rest of this will be smoother! I cant speak for anyone but myself but i pick up some tips and tricks watching you go at it! Did i hear a Charger video coming! Hee haw. Good luck speedy, you have it coming your way for sure! :)
It looks great! :D Just treat it like you would a good paint job: no abrasive cleaners (just your bare hands and car wash soap), don't use any harsh chemicals, and clean up any spills promptly.
Its good to have you on our side Cuda chick! Education on these things do help, even with us old schoolers learning the new tricks of the trade! :)
It lives!! There are few sounds in this world as glorious as a straight-piped 440, first video attempt was blowing out my phone's microphone haha

The rest of the exhaust needs the reducers welded in so I didn't get on it too much, just couldn't help doing an open header test fire now that frankenstein's back on the ground. Now the to-do list is to button up the brakes and make getting on/off the trailer a little easier, then head back to the exhaust shop.

Also finally got that other brake caliper repainted that was reacting weird a while back, really liking how they came out with the black metallic/clear combo



And in honor of the occasion here's my bi-weekly/"when I can remember" tune selection haha

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Good video of the start up. I even turn the volume up on my laptop to get the full experience. Didn't realize how much you look like to peter fonda in your avatar from a distance.
Haha thanks rrman! I didn't even notice the Fonda similarity but maybe I just need a pair of those righteous DMCL shades he was wearing lol

Stopped by the shop today on my lunch break with my dad to show him a fireup, two quick hits on the throttle, turn the key and it didn't even turn over, just fires full tilt and roars. I think it's getting anxious to stretch its legs lol
Now that's more like it Speedy, glad to see Frankenstein's running again!!!! Please paint that radiator haha, I painted my core and not the tanks...................go figure they show up clear as can be and it drives me nuts seeing that shiny aluminum threw that deep grill. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of fun we've been having with our Charger (1,000+ miles already) so keep after it because these things ride like a dream and turn heads wherever they go.
Haha thanks rrman! I didn't even notice the Fonda similarity but maybe I just need a pair of those righteous DMCL shades he was wearing lol

Stopped by the shop today on my lunch break with my dad to show him a fireup, two quick hits on the throttle, turn the key and it didn't even turn over, just fires full tilt and roars. I think it's getting anxious to stretch its legs lol

The Charger is anxious or the guy building her, now be careful! A lot of us has been in your shoes at this point and remembers the thunder, the smell, the brain tingling belly turning excitement it brings!!! :)
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