How do I measure
valve guide play? And what's the tolerances?
Sure thing...
Just off the top of my head, intakes are .001-.003, exhaust .002-.0045...but, don't go by my chicken scatchin'. The recommended clearances, and max, will be in the service manual. Doing almost anything on a motor, that book is a must. (Exhaust clearances are bigger, because exhaust valves take more heat, and the valves expand.)
As far as measuring the guides...#1 one ingredient is the hand doing it. Or, maybe just a little common sense. Also should decide if you want those heads to give you some good miles, or just get by...until.
Any good engine machine shop will have what's called a ball mic. Has a split ball end that expands, to read the I.D. of a hole, and can check the entire length of the hole. But, if one is not available, there are a few other ways. One, that I've used alot, is a snap gauge, since it has 'reach', but it takes a good hand to be accurate! Snap it in, get a base measurement, and then 'feel' the remainder of the guide, to see if that measurement is the same, top, middle, bottom. Tedious work, must do work, if you want it right.
Another way is to make a 'go/no go gauge'. It's a piece of quarter inch flat stock, and ground on the two edges, stepped...first at the low clearance measurement, second step at max. You simply push it into the guide, from both ends, to check them.