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Feral Pigs

99ss...You really stepped in it this time. Really a silly thing to do and try and provoke someone or something here in the General Discussion. Should be in the Political Forum. But then looking at where you are posting from and knowing that most of the State of OR is full of bleeding heart Liberals that are 90% CA transplants, it only makes sense to me that...It's People like you that cause People like me to Despise People like you. Still want to play????:icon_fU::rolling:
Lets make this thread relevant. Ned beattys rapist in deliverance, william mickinney, also acted in cannonball with david carradine. In that movie he drove a 68 charger. There is your mopar connection for the day.

Cool....to keep that theme goin, Carradine was also on "Bob Hope Presents The Chrysler Theater" More than once. lol
"The Chrysler Theatre" was before my time, but here's the intro for anyone who remembers it...

"The Chrysler Theatre"

I hate to admit it, but I actually remember parts of this show, mostly Bob Hope.
A great man, A Patriot who took time out of a busy schedule along with his troop to entertain us in Vietnam.
It gave us a few laughs and allowed us to forget where we were, at least for a few Minutes and for that, I'm forever grateful.
Well shoot(Pun intended).. I was hoping this was a post on a place close by to hunt Feral Hogs.
Well shoot(Pun intended).. I was hoping this was a post on a place close by to hunt Feral Hogs.

According to the media, if you walk outside where you are now, hogs will charge out of nowhere and gore you. I carry an AR-15 and wear body armor at all times in case of wild hog attacks. :)
According to the media, if you walk outside where you are now, hogs will charge out of nowhere and gore you. I carry an AR-15 and wear body armor at all times in case of wild hog attacks. :)

And you should.
most feral hogs are escapees, Definition of a feral hog in oklahoma...any pig thats been loose for three days. feral hogs are prolific breeders, they have up to 8 piglets that make it to breeding age,they are as smart as dogs, they dont just stand around in herds waiting to be shot, they have an incredible sense of smell, thats why they use them to sniff out truffles, they can live in any enviroment except arctic conditions, they eat anything, they dont have any real predators that have the balls to prey on them except when babies, the mother is a viscious protector, they are hard to kill. they avoid people like the plague, so good luck with that
This is me hunting wild hogs in San Francisco last week. Good times, bagged 3 of 'em. I'm like Hitler or Stalin when it comes to dealing with feral pigs.


Some of you girls are really a pice of work and far to easy to prod. Life for you doesnt suck to much does it ?...
This was a joke for the most part except for comparing LaPierre to Stalin he really is Stalin. Just wants the power and money could care less about the people.

What I see is free food and no one smart enough to take advantage of it. Yes feral pigs are an issue in almost every state now but no where near the level in Texas. And where is the NRA in all of this?? Spewing rhetoric comparable to the red threat form the 60's at the national convention for the uptight ******** of America and preying that he has you under his fear gun. *( see what I did there.. used prey instead if pray... because that what he and his organization does.. preys on the ignorant fear filled insecure people of this country so he can sell his guns and ammo). Had to explain that for the rednecks in the room as we both know that would have slipped right by them. It doesnt take smarts to be a redneck.. just hate, insecurity and the penchance for your sister.

Some of you got it...... most of the repsonses are the same racist small minded girls that define the mopar crowd.

Now I know there is inteligence in here, I have seen it before. I just dont hate the way some of you do. I call things the way I see them. I see free food and an organization with the members, firepower and money to eradicate a problem. Thats what good American would do. But instead you have LaPierre. Cowardice television evangelistic power and money grubbing POS.

BY the way I love guns and blowing stuff up. Have ever since I was 8 whe nI was taught how to shoot. I had achived markman status as well. I loved to shoot and still do and was a card carrying NRA member.. Until they went batshit crazy.
I have a collection of knives and swords as well. You know the typical liberal yankee armament stuff. I could shoot and slice and dice you legally if you enter my house and would do so in a heartbeat.. BUT I dont agree with the way the NRA is being run and the morons who follow it. Talk to me about the teacher who shot his own so last year during halloween prank. Did LaPierre go the the funeral? He was repsonsible for putting a gun in the hands of someone with no training and hyping the fear . Man kills his son by accident. Thats the NRA today.
Hogzilla. We grow um big in Georgia. Jus sayin.


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most feral hogs are escapees, Definition of a feral hog in oklahoma...any pig thats been loose for three days. feral hogs are prolific breeders, they have up to 8 piglets that make it to breeding age,they are as smart as dogs, they dont just stand around in herds waiting to be shot, they have an incredible sense of smell, thats why they use them to sniff out truffles, they can live in any enviroment except arctic conditions, they eat anything, they dont have any real predators that have the balls to prey on them except when babies, the mother is a viscious protector, they are hard to kill. they avoid people like the plague, so good luck with that

I know..LOL they are smart and tough and outsmarting people right now..The NM program is aimed at finding the best way to hunt and kill them. I thought it was a good idea to finally study the issue and come up with a game plan. But i had to have fun with it at the same time :)

some people just dont have a sense of humor

- - - Updated - - -

Hogzilla. We grow um big in Georgia. Jus sayin.

There were a few of those. Mighty impressive if you ask me and no and AR-15 isnt what I would be using.. To small of a round.. I like big chunks of lead
Always tryng to do my part to protect the Country.....Mmmmm I smell Bacon! :happy3:


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Nice... whats the avge weight if them anyway? 250-350? How much do you get all dressed out?

You dont needs tags for them either right?
WWWOOOWWWW!!!! Is this **** for real???? Had me over a barrel from the get go......:rolling:
99ss...You really stepped in it this time. Really a silly thing to do and try and provoke someone or something here in the General Discussion. Should be in the Political Forum. But then looking at where you are posting from and knowing that most of the State of OR is full of bleeding heart Liberals that are 90% CA transplants, it only makes sense to me that...It's People like you that cause People like me to Despise People like you. Still want to play????:icon_fU::rolling:

Tell you what.. I'll can come meet you ?

Seriously. You want to get personal. I'll come down there and get personal with your feminine ***. Cali... and no offense intended to Budnicks is one of the states this country can do without. Liberal?? have you looked in the mirror at your own state of ****? PAHLEASE.. no one from Cali should say anything about any other state ever. POS republik of California?? You are dumber than I first thought
Easy there "COWBOY". I re-read your initial post and I assumed you came to pick a fight. And I do most like a verbal fight. Seeing as how I missed the initial point of said inferences I retract my comments and issue a redaction. Pig is Good and Pork Fat Rules. No need for any further barbs IMHO....:no:
Easy there "COWBOY". I re-read your initial post and I assumed you came to pick a fight. And I do most like a verbal fight. Seeing as how I missed the initial point of said inferences I retract my comments and issue a redaction. Pig is Good and Pork Fat Rules. No need for any further barbs IMHO....:no:

Thank you. Peace it will be.
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