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I find it simply amazing.....a pet peave...

Unfortunately, manners start in the home. If parents don't teach their kids how to say please and thank you, the blame starts right there and just spirals out of control. Growing up, my kids knew better than to say " give me the... " It was always "Please, may I have...." with a Thank you after. I know we (the wife and I) were successful because even now, when we go out as a family to dinner at a restaurant, my son,22, and my daughter, 19, always say thank you for dinner. They're not perfect, but at least they're polite !!!! LOL

Dosent anyone ever say thank you anymore...?
When some one posts a thread, asking for help, then a forum member posts a GREAT PIC w/ Tech directions...the initial poster should post a "Thank You..."

I see this so many times, it's pathetic.

I also see guys (newbies) will post:

WTB:"1969 Coronet or Superbee or clone...not a show car a project car."
And...there are 3 or 4 of them in the For Sale Forum under: "B-bodies for sale"

Seems SOME members do not do any research at all.

I'm off my soap box now...sorry.
I was having some bar b q with the wife this summer- nice day, eating outside the restaurant...

...and here comes a car being pushed across the busy four lane street, up the hill onto the side street.

As they get about even with the bar b q joint, the momentum runs out, and they start going backwards, towards the busy street.

before it gets too fast to control, I run across the street and join in the push...just enough to stop the slide, and start going forward again. Grueling, all we can do to get it up the hill.

At the first driveway, one guy cuts the wheel, and then hops in and sets the brake.

I say "whew, that was a bitch".

NOTHING. Just silence. No "thank you", no NOTHING.


Thank you, YYI - on behalf of the innocent people who those turds may have let the car hit in the intersection.
I try and click thanks for all responses to any of my threads but sometimes forget about a post altogether or this damn computer just doesn't function properly. If someone helps me out I don't feel the thanks is enough and like to leave a reply telling them how big of a help they were so they know they helped. Lots of great guys here and have definetly been a help to me. I just heard of this knockout game today "WTF" I can't wrap my head around these tards, all I know is I'm feeling the need for a CCP more now then ever. I'm only 38 but see an ever growing number of totally disrespectful, gimme gimme entitlement, freeloading, troublemaking, worthless SOB's out there. I can't stand to go much of anywhere public anymore, cutting in line, not showing respect to the elderly, vulgar language, asses hanging out, acting like idiots and just being an absolute drain on the human race.
Years ago I visited a Burger King with my young daughters - one holding my hand and the other in my arms. Ordered the food for us all and realized it was going to be quite the juggling act to get all this stuff to the table to eat . . . as I was trying to determine the best plan of action . . . the young girl at the register "volunteered" to carry the tray to my table for me. As you all know the feeling, I about dropped my teeth ! ! She did indeed carry it to my table . . . and I thanked her, then politely asked her if she would send the manager over.

When the manager arrived, she asked if there was a problem ? I replied that the young lady at the register, seeing my hands full with children, graciously assisted by carrying my tray to the table and I want to let you know that her act was most appreciated. ( we just don't see very many acts of kindness like this anymore )

I think the manager was floored . . . she was expecting a complaint, and got an attaboy for one of her employees . . .

She walked away from the table with a huge grin on her face . . .
We do Dick, right here.
Remember the old Ralph Williams Chrysler commercials? I fully expected him to come out and say "hi, I'm Ralph Williams and I have a mouth full of shat"!

I try and click thanks for all responses to any of my threads but sometimes forget about a post altogether or this damn computer just doesn't function properly. If someone helps me out I don't feel the thanks is enough and like to leave a reply telling them how big of a help they were so they know they helped. Lots of great guys here and have definetly been a help to me. I just heard of this knockout game today "WTF" I can't wrap my head around these tards, all I know is I'm feeling the need for a CCP more now then ever. I'm only 38 but see an ever growing number of totally disrespectful, gimme gimme entitlement, freeloading, troublemaking, worthless SOB's out there. I can't stand to go much of anywhere public anymore, cutting in line, not showing respect to the elderly, vulgar language, asses hanging out, acting like idiots and just being an absolute drain on the human race.
A couple of years ago I helped a guy push a 1 ton 4 door dually pickup out of the line of traffic at a light. Traffic was pretty bad because of it and I jumped out of my car to help. It was just me and him. I didn't have anywhere to put my car so I left it in the lane and took about 3 minutes to get his truck out of the way and when I ran back to mine, people started blowing their horns before I could jump back in. That made me stop and go to the back of my car and give them the two fisted peace sign......and made them wait a few seconds longer! :D It was like they didn't see that we just cleared the road for the idiots that just sat there and watched. Next time, I won't run.

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Here's a recently posted story about the "Knockout Game" Looks like this kid wasn't even "man enough" (cough) to throw the sucker punch instead he tried to do it with a stun gun and got shot in the *** for his troubles :)

That kid got off REAL easy!!!
My take as a CCW holder is that the puncher goes free and the "ventilator" goes to prison for a long time...risky business at best.
A thought here??? It only takes one "AHHH SH+T" to reduce 40,000 "ATTA BOYZ" yet I still always say Thank You because it is how I know I like being treated. And when given it is out of respect and not looking for a gratuity. It is just the way I am.

On the FSM note pertaining to an original question? When I entered into this Hobby, one of the first things I purchased was a FSM and Color Electrical Schematic. Both were for a 1966 Chrysler 300 at the time. Since then I now have a Parts Manual, and a Engineers blue print book to further help me and anyone else that is having a problem or issue. I still for the life of me cannot understand how anyone thinks they can work on anything without some sort of Manual and guide to assist them. Then these questions arise and we respond and the Schmewndrake doesn't even attempt to say thank you for the assistance. Are they just that consumed in themselves that they cannot utter a Thank You? I don't give a Rat's Pattooty if they got anything out of what they wanted in the first place or if they even used it. The information I mean. Just a simple two word response is all that is necessary. Thank You does go a long way. So....To my fellow FBBO Brethren I say Thank You. It is an honor and privilege to share with you all....cr8crshr/Tuck.....:tongueflap::headbang:
Unfortunately, manners start in the home. If parents don't teach their kids how to say please and thank you, the blame starts right there and just spirals out of control. Growing up, my kids knew better than to say " give me the... " It was always "Please, may I have...." with a Thank you after. I know we (the wife and I) were successful because even now, when we go out as a family to dinner at a restaurant, my son,22, and my daughter, 19, always say thank you for dinner. They're not perfect, but at least they're polite !!!! LOL

X2 ..we,my brothers and cousins were all brought up to say thank you also going to a Catholic school you learned respect or you got corrected :violent1: and if a call went home you would catch it again when your father came home..I've noticed over the years most of our offspring's are pretty respectful kids ..but a lot of these kids today are raised like a wolf pack and you can't expect much from them ..and there "children" will probably be worse
i like to say thanx to anyone who helps,its the way i was raised.my wife is a high school teacher and she tells me stories of how overempowered kids are getting.she often tells me of parent conferences where the parents try to defend the child,who was way in the wrong.so it does start at home.
as far as the"knock out game",i wish they would try that **** with me.sadly my stature prevents that for the most part.i am 6'4" tall and 375lbs plus of x power lifter.being trained in akido and 5 rings ninjitsu,i would have a wounderfull time with them.
My take as a CCW holder is that the puncher goes free and the "ventilator" goes to prison for a long time...risky business at best.
That may be true but if I'm out and about there's a 99% chance my kids are with me "need I say anymore".

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i like to say thanx to anyone who helps,its the way i was raised.my wife is a high school teacher and she tells me stories of how overempowered kids are getting.she often tells me of parent conferences where the parents try to defend the child,who was way in the wrong.so it does start at home.
as far as the"knock out game",i wish they would try that **** with me.sadly my stature prevents that for the most part.i am 6'4" tall and 375lbs plus of x power lifter.being trained in akido and 5 rings ninjitsu,i would have a wounderfull time with them.
Sounds like your a pussy haha, no really you sound like someone not to be messed with 6' 4" 375# "I'll pass".
I'm 5' 9" and use an equalizer! :D
got those as well cranky.i am a registered weapon,so i might as well shoot someone if they are too stupid to go away after i warn them i am registered.(required by law)
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