I thank anyone who helps me or others out directly with
tech help or advice or in anyway for example Meep-Meep, Moparmarks, Cranky, 5.7 Hemi, dsd1967, Photon440, dako, dvw, snakeoil, MoparSmitty, budnicks, snakeyes are just
SOME of the
MANY folks who are always willing to lend their expertise w/o looking for anything in return, I also appreciate the nice
how-to mini-articles and explanations from Propwash (where are you), 71airgrabber, hunt2elk, 68 chicken, MR Speedfreak, 747Mopar, and now conv67bdere, and others,
vendors like cudachick and James from P-S-T, who are somewhat unique among vendors, and people like Moparparts who just posted the Beep Beep tool box, AND Hydrogoon with the discount thread, and on and on. Oh forgot Marpar not just cause he's so smooth and suave, he rarely posts anymore but when he does it's always something really cool!
That was more involved than I originally intended but I thought those and others who I forgot to mention need some special THANKS even though all will say they're not looking for that. That's why those of us know who've been here for any length of time know this is a special place and the best Mopar forum and why new members frequently state that when arriving after checking out other places on the interwebs.
It's all helpful .. and I thank for witty or humorous comments, not just the jokes, that make me chuckle because sometimes we need help ourselves, not just for our cars