This entire post about this car was started based on unfounded assumptions…
There are some definite facts.
1. This car has traded hands several times in the past several years.
2. The "restoration" leaves something to be desired especially at the last asking price point..
3. The VIN tag had the number stamped off center
4. The core support had one digit mis-stamped but it appeared to be an original factory stamping
5. The VIN tag was removed at BJ
So, I don't know what assumptions are unfounded. There is definitely cause for suspicion due to the errantly stamped VIN tag and body number.
1. The engine/transmission VIN's allegedly match the car. As far as I know this has only been claimed by the seller, not documented. There's a video on FB posted yesterday pre-sale where Steve Magnante makes that same claim.
2. AFAIK, the body number in the trunk has not been documented.
There may be some other evidence that the FBI/State Police have that hasn't been disclosed, but I have a feeling that if they had anything concrete that the entire vehicle would have been seized.
At this point, hopefully the buyer will come out and share what's going on. That is probably going to be very important information regarding the future resale value of this car...