Very interesting drive to work this morning . . .
So I'm on my way to work in the morning, no rain in sight, so I grab the 66 Shoe Box and head down the road. With the recent upgrades to the car, it's not only sounding so much better, it's running a ton better ( actually has some get up and go now ) and it's a blast to drive ! While driving down the road I hear a thump and wonder . . . what was that ? ? ? Figuring it was just a rock that kicked up off the road, I continue . . . until the generator light on the dash lights up. That's not a good sign at all, but I've had the belt jump off the pulley in the past, so I figure, it did it again. A quick look at the temp gauge, and it's slowly rising and getting up near 200.
So I pull off the road into the ball park parking lot and shut the car down to fix the belt . . .or at least, that's what I thought I'd have to do . . . so I pop the hood and take a quick look and . . . all "looks" good ? ? ? Until I notice one little thing . . .
Take a look at the left of the alternator in the engine block, you'll see . . .
yes . . .
(2) sheared off bolts that use to hold my alternator bracket in place . . .
NOT GOOD ! ! !
So, very shortly after I make this discovery, and I'm wondering what to do next, a gentleman pulls up in a pickup truck and ask if I need any help. This was the second surprise, as these days people rarely stop and offer to help ! Knowing that I don't have the right wrench in the car to remove the nut off the alternator ( go ahead and beat me up for no tools in the car ! ) I ask if he's got any tools - he pulls out a small socket set - which allows me to remove the nut and pull the entire alternator and bracket assembly out the engine compartment. My pickup truck friend states - Uh, that don't look good ! So he asks if he can drive me anyplace to get parts - I'm thinking, get the car home and in the garage, grab the truck and get back to work. But it's a 10 minute drive home and with no water pump, I'd have maybe 5 minutes before I'd have to pull over and let the engine cool off before I could move again . . . so I'd be an hour later getting to work. On the truck, I notice he's a brick mason, so I ask him if he's got any brick mason line ( well DUH ! ). He had on small spool, with about 10-20 feet of line on it and he asks, what you planning on doing ? I inform him that I'm going to try and make a simple "belt" with the line, enough to turn the water pump and allow me to get home ( hopefully without the battery dying ). He said - can you do that ? I'm thinking . . . I hope so . . . so I continue on my line wrapping . . .
Finally get the line wrapped and try to tie a not in the nylon line was not working too well . . . so I do my best and fire up the car . . . it starts to unravel . . . so I shut it down and start restringing the line - then ask him if he has any tape ? So he pulls out a roll of white medical tape . . . so I tear off a piece and tape the end of the knots in the line to try and hold them in place. Fire up the car again, and a small piece unravels again . . . so I figure might as well try and get home . . . so I thank the guy and head down the road . . .
Got all the way home with the car not even getting above 140 . . . and here's a picture of the mason line makeshift belt ! !
Before my "guardian angel" left, he gave me his business card - so I stopped at Lowes and bought a new full package of mason line and plan on sending it to him with some cash for taking time from his morning to stop and help me out.
On, so while I'm working on the car, he's taking pictures of the 66 Shoe Box ! ! !
Had a great time chatting with the guy, and he showed me his custom chopper ( with nitrous ) that was his "baby" . . . it was SWEET ! ! !
So, got home, parked the 66, grabbed the pickup truck and got back to work only 30 minutes late ! !
Nothing like a normal drive to work to start your day off right ! ! ! ( smile )