Tex, thanks for the info. My slicks are on their way already so I hope they don't grow too much! We'll find out. More RPM at the end would have helped me. My line of thought was that a better 60', learning the car, finding the right shift points and ditching some weight would put me up a few hundred RPM.Malex by going rag slick you are more likely to lose rpm as the tyre grows - if your old tyrs are rafial (315r60)
I am at 6600 @126 and change with 28"radial slick and 4.1 . I will go 29.5 (30") radial if needs be
Something I keep hearing is to slam a good single 4bbl combination on there with a dominator and pick up 25-30 hp. I also heard several times "what's with the Edelbrock carbs!
Those 440-25 intakes sure hold the heat I've found. Heard about that too.