Hey Dev,
I want to echo the congratulations already posted for paying off your mortgage; I can't imagine what that feels like!
The electrical connectors you're using are either Metri-pak or Weather-pak, but regardless, they are AWESOME! I used them to install the entire Accel DFI/Hilborn setup on my Vette and it made the job SO much easier. For anyone considering using these type of connectors, yes, the crimpers are expensive but I guarantee you'll know it was money well spent as soon as you start using them. I'll be using them for virtually everything on my Fury.
Take care and again, CONGRATS!
It took me some time to break down and buy them (and the store owner selling them at cost) but they are sweet, I'll do all of my external electrical connections this way for now on. Thanks, yes I feel free again for sure and plan on keeping it that way.
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"I was to stupid for college so I guessed that helped me haha, no I swore once I graduated I'd never go back and I won't. I was one of those kids that was either doodling or sleeping in class and I haven't changed, it's either full steam ahead or nap time for me.
In all honesty my dad is a big contributor to me having it paid off so soon. He bought this property when we were around 10 yrs old because it was across the road, cheap and it would give us kids somewhere to ride our bikes (build a nice motorcross track haha) so once we were all grown up I asked to buy it because I love it here. My dad being the kind of guy he is just gave it to me (11 acres), I then built the house from the ground up in order to keep the cost down and that's how I got it paid off at 38 yrs old.
This has been the greatest decision I've ever made for many reasons but the most important to me is they (mom & dad) get to be a big part of my kids life and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Sorry for the story, just thought I'd give credit where it's do."
Devin, I have no idea outside of "winter stuff" how i missed this post, Ive talked with you and at one time you wanted to have breakfast with me some place, now, PLEASE don't get me wrong, im not trying for breakfast when i tell you that i could listen to a story like this each day and welcome it, What i do know of you your as sincere as the sun coming up in the AM and im happy for you, Im going to be 60 this fall, (not looking forward to the concept) and i remember what it was like to have our land and in my case a mobile home, but payed off, clear and never to see another lein again... Congrats, some late i know but congrats, so many times i have wished things could have worked out with my "body" and what i wanted so many year ago but, What we have i thank the Lord every day for, with a sincere heart and its a great feeling knowing its yours, as long as we pay the taxes, noone can come and take it, i hope you and your family enjoy each day!!! and i AM sorry for missing this post, i must have been a little on the tired side that night which seem to be growing more and more with the tired stuff, dog-gone diabetes and COPD ill blame, the COPD i blame myself, light another smoke up RON!! YOU MORON!![]()
Thanks Ron, I had full intentions of meeting you last year on my way to Carlisle but had some issues with the Charger and the 3,100 rpm cruising just didn't sit easy with me. This year if all goes well it should be 1,600rpm and hopefully all the bugs are gone so we'll see, I'll get back with you when the time gets closer. Believe me I'm planning on enjoying the debt free status all the way to the grave haha, no more.
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it is looking sweet 747. very nice on debt free. it would be hard not to look at a HELLCAT. but with your charger i think you will be all right. with all these 5 an 6 speeds we be ready for the salt flats for some high speed runs...lmao
Thanks USA, your partially responsible for this ya know! Seeing your post about the nice freeway cruising and 150 mph joy rides sped up the process for sure. As for the Helcat....................... No Way, I'll take my bought and paid for Charger any day! No more debt