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Road rage study


Well-Known Member
Local time
3:06 PM
Nov 27, 2023
Reaction score
SW Florida
This survey surprises me, I would have thought slow driving (they mean in left/passing lane?) would at or be near the top;

While being cut off was the top reason for drawing anger People make mistakes, it ain't worth getting mad over— it had an “anger score” of 3.6 out of 5 — here are some of the other more infuriating behaviors:
  • Drivers weaving in traffic (anger score 3.2); if others stayed right except to pass, weaving is not really useful or needed
  • Being stuck in traffic (3); Then wake up earlier
  • Drivers not using turn signals (2.9); 90%? of legally required turn signal use is of little use to other experienced drivers
  • Driving slower than the speed limit (2.8); In passing lane unless they are actually passing an even slower vehicle
  • Other drivers making gestures (2.8). I have enough self-control to just chuckle, although that does make some even madder
I used to drive from Houston
to Roswell and back again
on holiday weekends.
On every trip during a five
year period, I experienced
each and every one of the
points described. Yes, the
left lane blockers were very
There's two not mentioned.
People who pass, pushing
their luck with on coming
traffic. (wonder if some are
still breathing), and those
that don't pull over when
they know they're impeding
the flow. (akin to the left
lane snails, but on a two
lane road).
Traffic was so bad trying to
get back into Houston (after
a 12 hour drive), there were
times when traffic was at
a complete stop, 50 miles
Gotta edit this though....
Texans seemed to take this
in stride. Instead of sitting
in their cars for a hour or
two, the stereos cranked
up, and the coolers and
chairs came out. Only
saw this on one occasion.
All tuned in to what was
happening miles ahead.
One giant tailgate party.
All stuck due to no way
of detouring around.
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Other drivers making gestures
You can often anticipate this. And you know they're going to look at you while they're doing it to see if you're looking. I purposely glance the other way - hopefully pissing them off more!
How often do you see some idiot "brake check" the car behind. In this day of dash cams its occurred to me that if they were rammed by the car behind, they could be charged with dangerous driving since it could be proved there was no reason for jamming on the brakes. Someone "driving too close behind" is subjective.
How often do you see some idiot "brake check" the car behind. In this day of dash cams its occurred to me that if they were rammed by the car behind, they could be charged with dangerous driving since it could be proved there was no reason for jamming on the brakes. Someone "driving too close behind" is subjective.
But the question remains, what is the real upside of tailgating, and on a public road, saving gas has does not count.
I agree, brake checking is unconscionable.
If someone insists on tailgating, IMO slow down enough to give them a safer chance to pass or pull over, it makes no sense trying to intimidate another driver of unknown skills to drive faster than their comfort level or vehicle is set for.
How often do you see some idiot "brake check" the car behind. In this day of dash cams its occurred to me that if they were rammed by the car behind, they could be charged with dangerous driving since it could be proved there was no reason for jamming on the brakes. Someone "driving too close behind" is subjective.
brake checking is illegal here .
If I`m driving over the posted speed limit , on cruise control , I don't worry about too many people following behind me , after all , I`m definitely not holding traffic up...
if they ain't got red and blue flashing lights , them !
In Phoenix people get shot. Think there has been 4 in the last 2 weeks.
Here in the Chicago area, it appears that police have all but stopped enforcing traffic laws, with the exception of an occasional speed trap.
I have a 26 mile commute to work and the behavior I witness daily makes me cringe. I often wish I was a cop with some superpower granted me that I would have the authority to pull a license and impound a car for reckless and dangerous driving. I would revoke at least 2 licenses each morning on my 50 minute commute!
I don’t think it’ll ever get better, in fact, there was a law proposed recently that would ban cops from pulling over drivers for most driving infractions because ticketing was inequitable or some such nonsense. I don’t care what “group” bad drivers are more often from, I just want bad driving cracked down on! In fact I have no idea who the worst drivers I see are, I just see cars weaving in and out of traffic cutting people off etc too fast to see who’s behind the wheel.
I stay in the center lanes usually driving 10-15 mph over the speed limit, yet almost always have someone tailgating me. So close I usually can’t see their headlights in my rear view mirror.
In my younger years with higher testosterone levels, I’d probably have gotten more aggressive, now I just I just white knuckle it as I loaf along at 75 mph.
In the recent past I sometimes used to choose to wash my windshield when someone was riding my bumper. It always was pretty funny looking at my mirror and seeing them turn their wipers on to the clear off my washer fluid, but that might set off a road rager and turn ugly, so it’s been a while since I did that.
Tailgating didn't make the list? That list is bullship.
(One thing that used to really bug me, on my commute to work: people who jump into a EXIT ONLY lane to pass cars, and then cut back in, illegally. If I was a cop, I could have given fifty tickets a day.)
I time my commutes from AZ to CA, and reverse, to avoid traffic. I usually try to run five to ten over, and stay to the right, but I still get run over occasionally, cause California's 55 mph speedlimit while towing is ignored by 100% of drivers, towing or otherwise.
And when I get into AZ, speedlimit on I-40 becomes 75 for everybody, and the 18 wheelers are doing 85!
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Tailgating didn't make the list? That list is bullship.
(One thing that used to really bug me, on my commute to work: people who jump into a EXIT ONLY lane to pass cars, and then cut back in, illegally. If I was a cop, I could have given fifty tickets a day.)
I time my commutes from AZ to CA, and reverse, to avoid traffic. I usually try to run five to ten over, and stay to the right, but I still get run over occasionally, cause California's 55 mph speedlimit while towing is ignored by 100% of drivers, towing or otherwise.
And when I get into AZ, speedlimit on I-40 becomes 75 for everybody, and the 18 wheelers are doing 85!

I have a 35 mile commute to work. Early morning 85-90 on way in. And I still get passed.
On way home though I’m lucky to hit 50 mph.
And I thought all the reckless crazies drive in New Jersey, and all the slow morons in the left lane drive in New York.
I have a 35 mile commute to work. Early morning 85-90 on way in. And I still get passed.
On way home though I’m lucky to hit 50 mph.
50?!? You're flying!
From 2pm to 8 or 9pm, if you get up to 20 mph on I-10 out of L.A., you're doing great. At any point.
From 5am to 9am, 30 mph is occasionally possible.... but not often.
Former gf commuted from my house to the beach area for work. Approximately 45 miles one way. Spent 5 hours of her life in traffic, every day.
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At the top of the list for me is not utilizing the turn signals all the time as it is required. I guess for those who do not use them, turn signals are an option...Didn't know that was one when purchasing a vehicle. If it's broke, then use the standard hand signals which I can bet 99% of drives do not know what they are!!! :screwy::screwy::screwy:cr8crshr/Bill:usflag::usflag::usflag:
Here in the Chicago area, it appears that police have all but stopped enforcing traffic laws, with the exception of an occasional speed trap.
I have a 26 mile commute to work and the behavior I witness daily makes me cringe. I often wish I was a cop with some superpower granted me that I would have the authority to pull a license and impound a car for reckless and dangerous driving. I would revoke at least 2 licenses each morning on my 50 minute commute!
I don’t think it’ll ever get better, in fact, there was a law proposed recently that would ban cops from pulling over drivers for most driving infractions because ticketing was inequitable or some such nonsense. I don’t care what “group” bad drivers are more often from, I just want bad driving cracked down on! In fact I have no idea who the worst drivers I see are, I just see cars weaving in and out of traffic cutting people off etc too fast to see who’s behind the wheel.
I stay in the center lanes usually driving 10-15 mph over the speed limit, yet almost always have someone tailgating me. So close I usually can’t see their headlights in my rear view mirror.
In my younger years with higher testosterone levels, I’d probably have gotten more aggressive, now I just I just white knuckle it as I loaf along at 75 mph.
In the recent past I sometimes used to choose to wash my windshield when someone was riding my bumper. It always was pretty funny looking at my mirror and seeing them turn their wipers on to the clear off my washer fluid, but that might set off a road rager and turn ugly, so it’s been a while since I did that.
That is my commute every morning verbatim. From the western burbs straight down 290, get off at Western. Though I go 10-15 mph the whole time. Most of those ******** fly down the shoulder instead of weaving in and out of traffic. Most of the time I can tell the racial persuasion, hence the edict from Govt Fat *** not to pull them over. :rolleyes:
This is rather timely. Let me sanitize it if I can so it does not violate the rules:

"In a decision that has sparked considerable discussion among (A State) motorists, Governor (a person) recently vetoed Senate Bill 258 (SB 258). This bill aimed to impose new restrictions on the use of the left-hand lane on highways, specifically limiting its use to passing and overtaking. Scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, SB 258 intended to reduce traffic congestion and improve road safety by curbing the behavior of "left lane campers" – drivers who linger in the left lane without passing other vehicles."

"Supporters of the bill argue that it would have alleviated road rage and improved traffic flow by keeping the left lane clear for passing vehicles. They cite examples from states like Georgia and Indiana, where similar laws have successfully reduced congestion and accidents by discouraging prolonged left-lane driving. These advocates believe SB 258 would have promoted safer and more efficient use of highways."

Oh Well, back to road rage. :lol:
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I do a lot of highway driving & what annoys me is when you can see someone coming up from behind, who is obviously going faster, but instead of passing, just stays there.
I hate to say it but it wont work. They implemented the same law in Oklahoma a few years ago. No detectable change in behavior. The police must enforce the law for it to be effective. Same with cellphones snd driving, no enforcement.
I do a lot of highway driving & what annoys me is when you can see someone coming up from behind, who is obviously going faster, but instead of passing, just stays there.
I see that when driving. I watch their face and body English in my mirror, and I get a big chuckle when they get frustrated and finally look into their mirror, look over their left shoulder, and suddenly realize the steering wheel works and they can change into a completely open center/left lane and execute a pass, and then I watch as they remain in that left lane for the next 10? miles never passing another car.
Before any of the above happens I;m fraught with worry that their steering wheel is stuck or their rear-view mirror is broken. Their frustration with me being in front of them on the road means to me, they must own the road or they woke up late letting me get ahead of them.
I am truly sorry.
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