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Road rage study

The vehicle you are driving makes a big difference I have experienced, I drive the same no matter what I am in which is courteous and forgiving. If I am in my truck all is good, usually. If I am driving the BMW I am a target for every asshole out there cutting me off, giving me the finger etc.
I suppose that tells me BMW drivers are all rude pricks and they are just getting even.
The vehicle you are driving makes a big difference I have experienced, I drive the same no matter what I am in which is courteous and forgiving. If I am in my truck all is good, usually. If I am driving the BMW I am a target for every asshole out there cutting me off, giving me the finger etc.
I suppose that tells me BMW drivers are all rude pricks and they are just getting even.
BMW drivers ARE all rude pricks,....... with a few, very few, exceptions.
Slow drivers that are a bottleneck are the worst. They are oblivious to flashing lights, horns, projectiles or finger gestures...

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Those annoy me the most. Regardless of the law, there is a matter of courtesy. The slow driver is pissing off everyone that follows him/her.
I know...If the guy moves aside, I may only want to go 5-10 mph faster but without that dork in my way, I am FREE to do it.
It is the restriction of freedom that the dork does that gets to me. My choice to drive faster is blocked.
There is a 2 lane road near me that is 10 miles of gentle curves surrounded by trees and bushes. I've driven it at speeds far above the limit when nobody is around so driving at the posted speed sometimes feels like I'm dragging a bus behind me.
Sometimes though, I've found that with nobody in front of me, driving at the posted limit doesn't feel so bad. It is mostly when the choice to go faster isn't allowed that I am the most angry.
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Moan and groan all you want, everybody elsewhere. You want congestion hell ? Try NYC, constant gridlock which had grown exponentially over the years. One of the best, and fortunate things I ever did, was get there hell out of there long ago. And I'm not talkin' Manhattan, it's the same in the other boroughs.
BMW drivers ARE all rude pricks,....... with a few, very few, exceptions.
Reminds of the two guys sitting at a bar way sloshed in Atlanta conversing.
The one guy says to the other "only whores and Football players go to Georgia Tech".
The other guy says, "hey, my wife went to GT"
"What position did she play?"

My Ex wife drives a Bimmer.:thankyou:
I regularly make a four hour trip between Ontario and NY. 90% of the time the car that is weaving through traffic like they’re trying to escape death is a BMW, an Audi or a Lexus. For some reason these people seem to think they are entitled to the road and everyone else on it is an annoyance to them.
After reading most of the posts...
I'm glad to be on the west side of Iowa.
I think the key to solving a lot of traffic issues would be the widespread use of unmarked police vehicles of all types. They need to blend in to be undetected. Once a police car is seen everyone drives normal until it’s no longer in sight. If people knew that any car near them could be write them a ticket they would change their driving habits.
I think the key to solving a lot of traffic issues would be the widespread use of unmarked police vehicles of all types. They need to blend in to be undetected. Once a police car is seen everyone drives normal until it’s no longer in sight. If people knew that any car near them could be write them a ticket they would change their driving habits.
About 15 years ago, maybe 20, the Illinois State Police announced with great fanfare they were going to send out some unmarked police cars on patrol, as I recall they were Camaros, to be on the prowl for aggressive driving and road rage on highways and tollways. I spotted a couple of the Camaros in my travels. After a few months or maybe a year later, I never saw another. I guess they gave up on that effort then and surrendered the roads to the crazies!
Well that’s a lack of commitment on behalf of the police. That said, I’m sure they have far greater concerns to be using their manpower on and I think that’s part of the problem. But what if there was a separate force that just dealt with traffic? Less training and lower paid. In the end that enterprise should at least be a financially break even venture.
Wow makes me glad about my drive.
I have 20 miles of 2 lane road. Most of the time from April to October I ride my dresser.
My biggest concern are deer especially after fall harvest. I have two traffic lights to pass through
Working part time makes the commute even easier
Last week had a guy doing 40 in a 55, back road going over blind hills in the center of the lane that's barely wide enough for two vehicles, decided to pass when there was room, next thing I know I'm hitting gravel and doing 85 as he's trying to ditch me, then I'm tailgated doing 80 and he has his brights on for the next 6 miles. So tired of people.
I think the key to solving a lot of traffic issues would be the widespread use of unmarked police vehicles of all types. They need to blend in to be undetected. Once a police car is seen everyone drives normal until it’s no longer in sight. If people knew that any car near them could be write them a ticket they would change their driving habits.
Maybe they should allocate monthly cop cars to the public to get everybody else to drive as you say "normal".
But then when I see the way many cops are driven today, speeding for no apparent reason, driving in the left lane forever like they own it, parking in a fire lane at a big box store when there is no fire, etc, maybe they already have a secret cop car lottery? :D
Back in the late 1990's a clerked for a municipal court judge so I could study for the bar. I wanted to work in the Bell Labs patent office (it was about a girl LOL). At any rate,I had a ringside seat for traffic court in three towns on the Jersey Shore. When the dust settles, the State Police have metrics (besides profiling) Number one cause of accidents is excessive speed, number two is following too close.

Here in Massachusetts it's like NASCAR in the final lap. I go the speed limit and stay in the right hand lane. The only fun I have is my daily driver is a black on black Ford SUV Interceptor. It was unmarked and still has the sub-panel for all the strobes. I did swap out the blue lights for amber. And yes, there are people who tail gate what appears to be an unmarked unit. It defies imagination...... :realcrazy:

PS: One of my best friends lives in Searsport Maine and they are right on US route 1. It's a huge old mansion they're restoring. I park at the end of their driveway and we mix a couple large drinks and watch the traffic. If I'm 1/2 in the bag I hit the lights. Some kids never grow up..............
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Back in the late 1990's a clerked for a municipal court judge so I could study for the bar. I wanted to work in the Bell Labs patent office (it was about a girl LOL). At any rate,I had a ringside seat for traffic court in three towns on the Jersey Shore. When the dust settles, the State Police have metrics (besides profiling) Number one cause of accidents is excessive speed, number two is following too close.

Here in Massachusetts it's like NASCAR in the final lap. I go the speed limit and stay in the right hand lane. The only fun I have is my daily driver is a black on black Ford SUV Interceptor. It was unmarked and still has the sub-panel for all the strobes. I did swap out the blue lights for amber. And yes, there are people who tail gate what appears to be an unmarked unit. It defies imagination...... :realcrazy:
I often run a forward facing camera in my vehicle.
I have been toying with adding another dedicated camera out the back window. Seems that is where there is more entertaining action/stupidity.
I often run a forward facing camera in my vehicle.
I have been toying with adding another dedicated camera out the back window. Seems that is where there is more entertaining action/stupidity.
there are models that have front and rear. Ton's of features. It's not a bad idea for insurance reasons. "Picture's worth a thousand words"
there are models that have front and rear. Ton's of features. It's not a bad idea for insurance reasons. "Picture's worth a thousand words"
I bought one from Sam's, a short while ago. I haven't installed it yet.
This is rather timely. Let me sanitize it if I can so it does not violate the rules:

"In a decision that has sparked considerable discussion among (A State) motorists, Governor (a person) recently vetoed Senate Bill 258 (SB 258). This bill aimed to impose new restrictions on the use of the left-hand lane on highways, specifically limiting its use to passing and overtaking. Scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025, SB 258 intended to reduce traffic congestion and improve road safety by curbing the behavior of "left lane campers" – drivers who linger in the left lane without passing other vehicles."

"Supporters of the bill argue that it would have alleviated road rage and improved traffic flow by keeping the left lane clear for passing vehicles. They cite examples from states like Georgia and Indiana, where similar laws have successfully reduced congestion and accidents by discouraging prolonged left-lane driving. These advocates believe SB 258 would have promoted safer and more efficient use of highways."

Oh Well, back to road rage. :lol:
That law was pointless. It would not be enforced.
They already have a law they can enforce. Failure to Yield. That law exists in some form in every state. Blocking traffic in the left lane counts.
New laws just lead to cops enforcing them stupidly and fining people they shouldn't.

Everyone can hope and dream that the cops will pull over granny as she does 40mph in the left lane. But they won't. They will pull you over, at 3a.m., when the road is 100% empty and you are on the left side because it was raining and the right side was water logged and bumpy. Because the law says left lane is only for passing.

We don't need more pointless laws to be abused. We need the ones we have enforced. Count your blessings the law was vetoed.
I think the key to solving a lot of traffic issues would be the widespread use of unmarked police vehicles of all types. They need to blend in to be undetected. Once a police car is seen everyone drives normal until it’s no longer in sight. If people knew that any car near them could be write them a ticket they would change their driving habits.
I have seen the exact opposite.
If we had enough law enforcement, AND
They actually cared about something besides speeding,

This would not be an issue. As you say, visibility is the deturent!
In WI, the state troopers will pick a corridor and patrol it heavy, in an undisclosed rotation. For a week or two. After one day, people figure it out and it is normal for the duration, and maybe a week or two after. All the troopers need to do is drive around on the corridor.
Doesn't stop the tailgating though, because they will never be pulled over for it.

The highway I live off of is a main weekend warrior "up nort'" route. Twice a year it is patrolled heavily. You can tell, because people will keep it to around 60. (55mph speed limit)
The rest? HAHAHA, people will do 70 or 75. Or more. Now, I am not one to care much how fast people go in the boonies if they know the road and what/who lives on it etc. But this road has a driveway every 300 yards and a day care, and a few other stops along the way. People doing 85 are truly endangering others here. Normally, it is people driving a car too wimpy to pass on the two lane, so when they get impeded by someone doing 62-63(the magic "less then 9mph over so ticket is piddly") they will drive so close you can only see their face in their windshield. No lights, bumper, grill, even hood. No brake check would be needed, just let off the gas for half a second and there would be contact probably.

If there were enough state patrol to drive the highway once every three weeks, it wouldn't be like that.
Instead, when it gets that bad I drive my tow rig to work for a week or two until it calms down. I don't worry about idiots as much driving my 8300lb truck. Whats the worst they will do? Run into the pintle hook in my class 5 hitch?
there are models that have front and rear. Ton's of features. It's not a bad idea for insurance reasons. "Picture's worth a thousand words"
It always seemed to me, the dual view camera set-ups offered were a compromise, quality and feature wise, and from my experience rarely did what was going in both views were related. one view was somewhat compromised (the rear), and why I wanted separate units.
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