Hell, I've removed a few transmissions in my day, and with a lift and transmission jack, it should be simple. Right?
Well, in simple terms, this job is kicking my a$$. This normally happens when I get quite confident in my skills - call it Karma or Murphy's Law.
Basically, the Gear Vendors unit is making this job extremely difficult.
So I got all needed bolts, linkage, etc. loose and/or out. I then removed the GV overdrive unit from the back of the transmission. The problem is that the back of the GV tail shaft is not narrow like the original 727, but rather it has an almost 7" flange on the back. OK, well, I figured it might just make it out if I angle the transmission correctly as I take it out.
So I got my transmission jack under it and started messing around. My buddy and I lowered the front of the transmission hoping we could just sneak the tail shaft out.
NOPE. There is simply not enough room between the body and the torsion bar brace to get it out.
So then I figured: Fine, I'll just remove the tail shaft from the body of the transmission and take the transmission out without the tail shaft.
NOPE. The tail shaft cannot move back far enough to give the output shaft the ability to angle downwards as much as needed.
I'm stuck!
The cross brace for the torsion bars MUST come out to drop the transmission. In the 73 and up cars, this is a separate piece not built in to the body like in my 70. So to get the cross brace out I have to get the torsion bars out. OK, fine, I've done that several times too - no problem.
NOPE. I worked on that for awhile and they are absolutely not budging. I can't understand why. I've done this several times and it has always worked well, especially if the bars have been out recently like these have.
With some bad weather coming, I had to tuck my tail between my legs and get a couple of bolts back into the transmission so I could get my 70 back in.
Finally, as I was looking up at the lower control arms the pivot shaft doesn't look like it is fully engaged in the lower control arm, but for the life of me I can't remember what it looked like after I pressed them on. Does this look OK? Should the gap (see red arrow) be there?
I am frustrated as hell and ready to reenact the scene where Daisy Duke loses her Road Runner off a cliff!