200 bucks? geeez......... I think I have one, I will look hang on
I may need the lid too. The one I bought last month is missing the hinge and only 2 of the threaded studs remain.
If your talking about my post it's the opposite of what I said. After KD posted saw it was backward, didn't bother to correct it. Changed it.3/8" difference is not the same... I will agree it doesn't change as much as you might expect but it does change.. Strange your axle gets closer to the trans as it is raised... I'm guessing your springs don't have allot of arch?
A forum member helped me out with a measurement on the 4 speed console plate.
Here is mine again....
View attachment 1057902
Here is a stock 4 speed plate.
View attachment 1057909
This clears things up. Now I'm going to search for a good USED 4 speed console plate. I still plan to sandblast and paint them.