Well-Known Member
Ordered a cheap stock type fuel pump and put it on yesterday. Took it for a drive and it ran soooo much better. I didn’t realize how bad that Carter pump was.
So I finally got some time to take off the fuel pump and opened it up (first time at this). Only thing I forgot was to take a reference photo for the orientation, shouldn't be to hard to figure out. Anyway I'm assuming this plunger seal looks worn enough so that it won't function properly. It's not separated or torn on the other side. There is a little bit of the small particals in the bottom section, but I don't think it's enough to mess it up. Nothing plugged. In the bottom seal you can see some of the grainy partical laying on it. I don't think this is a filter, at least not based on a couple of the rebuild kits I looked up.
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