For 99% of the stuff you will need it for
1st off, I highly recommend
get a really good instant electronic darkened helmet
"with the biggest 'viewing lense' you can get !!
it will help you when learning especially
see where to start & after you stop
not having to flip the god damn helmet up & down constantly
especially in tight spaces it's a PITA otherwise
(trust me)
you will need to figure out what lense or darkness
you can use & actually still see well enough after you strike an arc
if you can't see well you won't/can't weld well either
for the 99% of the time
I'd suggest something like theses
Buy a Miller (Millermatic) or Lincoln Electric MIG for common use of,
something that will be 140-180 amp range (110-120/220-240vt)
(200amp if you get a really good one, if it's in your budget)
a decent portable unit is $500 to well over a $1,000 for a quality portable MIG
before any bottles,
(I'd get 2 x 10# at a min. if it's a portable unit, use 1 as a spare)
a dual voltage 120vt/230vt so it can be used most anywhere
also buy a quailty or you should make a quality 50-75" (100') extension cord,
for 240 & 120vt (since you're a sparky) use bigger wire on the extension cord,
so the duty cycle won't be diminished, the longer the cord the less duty cycle
any voltage loss, from a longer cord, can/will affect duty cycles & the welds
And also on the machine you choose
I'd highly suggest, try to get the highest duty cycle you can
for the style/budget of machine that you choose
(Grainger's has a crapload for decent prices)
to use either/or Flux-core
(no bottle needed, with flux core, it's nice to have that option
in the smaller units, it's mainly for use in windy areas/conditions
not the best looking welds either, unless you are really familiar with it)
& I'd recommend using a gas, the other 95+% use an Argon/CO2 mix,
& a 0.032" wire 12# rolls are cheap, get some 'spatter protection spray' too
keep the torche/nozzle clean & the area you're welding around clean
(also; clean metal welds so so much better)
you can get bigger spools with some portable machines
some of the more portable versions, will suffice for 99% of anything you will do
some of the cheaper/lesser (Lowes/HomeDepot/Harbor Frieght 'China') machines
some will have a 0.023" wire , that will still work at 5mm-1/4" on higher settings
& buy the bottles
'don't rent them'
have them fill 'your bottles'
don't do an exchange